DIFFERENT TYPES OF BAR GRAPHS. Simple Bar Graph Properties: 1.Can have horizontal or vertical bars 2.Can have spacing between the bars 3.Bars must be.


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Presentation transcript:


Simple Bar Graph Properties: 1.Can have horizontal or vertical bars 2.Can have spacing between the bars 3.Bars must be same width 4.Must start at a frequency of 0.

Grouped Bar Graph Properties: 1.Can have horizontal or vertical bars 2.Can have spacing between the grouped bars 3.Bars must be same width 4.Must start at a frequency of 0. 5.Must have key/legend.

Stacked Bar Graph Properties: 1.Must have vertical bars with groups stacked on top. 2.Must have spacing between bars. 3.Bars must be same width 4.Must start at a frequency of 0. 5.Must have key/legend.

Pareto Chart Properties: 1.Must have vertical bars arranged from highest to lowest frequency. 2.Usually no spacing between bars. 3.Bars must be same width 4.Must start at a frequency of 0.