School of Mathematics & Statistics Stage 3 Induction 30 th September 2015 I am... Dr Peter Avery I am... Single Honours Degree Programme Director (Student Welfare and Progression) Stage 3 DPD: Dr Zina Lykova (Sem 1), Dr Dave Walshaw (Sem 2); JH Advisor: Prof. Anvar Shukurov
Contact Details Dr Peter Avery Room 3.04
Entering Stage 3 - Timetable You have pre-registered for Stage 3. In principle, modules can be changed by DPD permission in first 2 – 3 weeks of each semester (DPD Request Form). 70/50 splits are possible, timetable allowing. Please check your timetable for both Semesters carefully. We are happy for you to take any MAS3*** module (except the group project) as long as: You have the relevant pre-requisites and co-requisites; You have not taken the equivalent Stage 2 module; It fits on the timetable with your other modules.
Timetable 10 credit modules Three timetabled hours per week. 2 lectures and one problems class/drop-in session. Lecturer will tell you which is the Problems class/drop-in session at the first timetabled hour. There may be 3 lectures in the 1 st week. About half the modules have problems classes in even weeks and half in odd weeks in order to spread the assessments. Exercises set fortnightly.
Timetable 20 credit modules Six timetabled hours per week. Normally 4 lectures, one problems class and one drop-in session. Lecturer will tell you which is the Problems class and drop-in session at the first timetabled hour. Exercises set weekly.
Coursework CBAs will be not be used routinely.There will be a revision CBA0 for most Stage 3 versions of Stage 2 modules. Late work is not accepted. Deadlines are all 4.00pm. If ill etc and unable to submit an assignment, complete a PEC Form and take to the JH DPD. Extensions possible for major projects (>5% of module) – submit a PEC form in advance of the deadline and take to the JH DPD. Most coursework is intended to be largely ‘formative’, i.e. it is intended to help you learn the material. The marks given for such coursework are an incentive for you to complete the coursework, and the marks awarded for coursework are often higher than for exam marks. You should not expect the marks available to reflect the amount of time spent on coursework.
Completing Stage 3 (BSc) Stage 3 counts twice Stage 2. You have no automatic right to an Honours degree if you fail more than 20 credits over Stages 2 and 3. Submit PEC/Concession, if appropriate – with evidence. Keep your tutor informed. Repeating a year setting aside the first attempt is only allowed if there are very exceptional personal circumstances, e.g. major illness.
If not awarded Honours in June Offered Pass Degree or Diploma. Need to reply straightaway to offer of resits. Resits are in August (one resit only). Maximum award is 3 rd Class Honours. Resit marks count at most 40.
Feedback Feedback on coursework: indications where things have gone wrong, some general feedback, access to correct solutions, Drop-in class, where you can ask questions. Feedback on exams: General feedback is given: mark distribution, scaling, Individual feedback on your scripts is available on request.
Behaviour You are expected to maintain the highest level of behaviour and be considerate to staff and fellow students. Keep mobiles to silent mode during lectures, tutorials, etc. If you are unavoidably late for a lecture and the lecture has started when you arrive at the room, enter quietly. DO NOT let the door bang behind you. Take a seat near the door to avoid disruption to the lecturer and other students. Talking should be kept to a minimum. Ask the lecturer a question if you are unsure about something.
Staff-Student Committee Meets about twice a Semester to discuss any issue affecting undergraduate students. For example proposals to change degree programmes or problems with a specific module. Usually meets at 1.30pm on a Wednesday. Lunch is provided. Good thing to put on your CV. Volunteers?