10–11 DECEMBER 2015 FAO HQ ROME MAURICIO MIRELES, FAO RAF FSN Forum policy dialogues: Contributing to food security and nutrition policy processes within the context of FAO Regional Office for Africa
FAO in Africa The major actions of the Office in Africa put a particular emphasis on: Country Offices are the key to FAO's success; Stronger, more demand-driven multi-disciplinary technical teams; Full capitalization of the potential for extra- budgetary funding; Focused policy dialogue; Strengthened support to Pan-African institutions;
Regional Action Plan for Africa RI 1 : Renewed Partnership for a Unified Approach to End Hunger in Africa by 2025 under the Framework the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme RI 2 : Sustainable production intensification and commercialization through integrated management of agricultural landscapes RI 3: Building Resilience in the Drylands of Africa (SO5,SO3) Regional Initiatives
RI1 - Africa’s Renewed Partnership to End Hunger by 2025 Add value to ongoing work at country level by promoting an integrated approach to food security and nutrition; The first group of countries consists of Angola, Ethiopia, Malawi and Niger; Firmly grounded in the CAADP process; Interventions spanning from expansion in food production, strengthening social protection mechanisms and the promotion of right to food legislation;
Programs and projects Carried out by the Regional Office, Sub-Regional Offices (SROs) together with Headquarter divisions; Over half of the projects operated by RAF and the focus either on supporting policy work, addressing transboundary issues, and/or providing technical assistance to a Regional/Sub-Regional Economic Communities (RECs) - such as the African Union, ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC, and CILSS.
New and on-going FSN RAF projects under RI1 Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the Roots and Tubers sector in Africa Ending Date: 10/2018 Mainstreaming Nutrition in CAADP and Agriculture Policies and Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa Ending Date: 07/2017 Strengthening of School Nutrition Programmes in Africa Ending Date: 12/2016
New and on-going FSN RAF projects Strengthening Capacity of ECOWAS for effective Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Implementation in West Africa Ending Date: 31/12/2016 Strengthening Regional Initiatives to End Hunger and Malnutrition in West Africa Ending Date: 31/12/2016 Exchange of Experience and Dialog about Public Policies for Family Farming in Africa Ending Date: 31/12/2017
Recent collaborations between FSN Forum & RAF Policies, programs and agricultural investments in West Africa: what Analyses and perspectives are there? This discussion contributed to the Civil Society Organizations Forum organized by the Zero Hunger Initiative – Ref. Adama Taoko and Leonidas Hitimana. How school food and nutrition activities can promote lifelong healthy eating habits How to develop the hydro-agricultural resources in West Africa Raising awareness and improving understanding on the role of hydro- agricultural resources for FSN in West Africa – Ref. Gregorio Velasco
Priority processes in Africa which have or could benefit from broader stakeholder participation Social Protection Agenda + Agriculture + Nutrition in Africa; Mainstreaming of nutrition at the policy- level, (CAADP) particularly in the context of Agricultural Investment Plans; School Food and Nutrition;
Priority processes in Africa which have or could benefit from broader stakeholder participation Promotion and understanding of Family Farming in Africa; Constitution of National Councils on FSN in CPLP countries (Portuguese challenge); Mainstreaming of Gender in FSN related issues;
Priority processes in Africa which have or could benefit from broader stakeholder participation Overall engagement of civil society in FSN public policy design; Engagement of parliamentarians on the human right to food; Promoting dialogue between National Alliances on HR2F & parliamentarians;
Thank You!