DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 1 Examines Crate Unpacking Calibration Layer-Weight calculations Downloads, Control & Monitoring Displays
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 2 Calorimeter Examines – Cal_elec Cal_elec – Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee electronics co’ords: ADC counts vs channel vs channel online version for calorimeter commissioning and monitoring default version for shifters to be run once per day: takes 200 events per crate check readout status for all calorimeter crates using pedestals and pulsers reference histograms being provided
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 3 em-channel had-channel Delay = 50 Calorimeter Examines – Cal_elec Cal_elec offline use via SAM as basis for refined analysis newly implemented: mapping of pulser channel vs readout channel histograms under development unpacking of T&C information unpacking of PIB information Bob Kehoe developing separate branch for L1 Cal trigger debugging and commissioning “delay ramp” “dac ramp”
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 4 Calorimeter Examines – Cal_examine Cal_examine – Florencia Cannelli Physical co’ords – also meant for ICD, CPS & FPS Been run during workshops but not much else yet Some success at running with xgooey/ROOT with help of Joel Snow Runs also with histoscope, raw data, MC, network and file modes and ssh Needs trigger tower views eventually Built at t offline, but t for online (xgooey broken in t )
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 5 Calorimeter Crate Unpacking To be added to ADC unpacking: Simultaneous read out of gain1/gain8 Unpacking of 3 consecutive crossings for timing calibration Timing & Control - Crate (0x4C) Contains all meta-data (L1 crossing, analog-cell read out, PIB information etc.) Existing unpacking from cal_elec to be generalized L1CAL - Crate (0x10) Structure similar to Run I but there are significant changes in particular for L3 readout Bob Kehoe looking into this as he works on L1Cal Analysis tools (thanks to Phillipe Laurens for details)
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 6 Calorimeter Electronics Calibration Online Calibration – Taka Yasuda Pedestal calibration data sent to L3 scriptrunner node (L3CalCalib – Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee + Jonathon Hays) Data sent to CalibManager which stores data in Oracle dB Python tools extract data to pickle files Automatic validation and extraction tools needed for pedestals and zero suppression limits Mrinmoy working on handling gain runs and ramps with pulser Scheme for running calibrations still needs to be worked out (frequency, #events, #DAC/delay settings, etc.) Offline Calibration – Ursula Bassler data base tables designed – might want to retrofit online Estimate 25 GB for 3 years for offline database development of online/offline transfer and DB-Manager code
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 7 Calorimeter Layer-weights From Vishnu Zutshi EM section Optimized layer weights for the 4 EM layers have been calculated for the whole calorimeter using electrons in plate geometry. Weights calculated as a function of the tower ieta. HAD section Weights for the hadronic sections are being calculated using single pions. Weights for the EM layers are kept fixed relative to their electron values. Coarse hadronic sections are being appropriately left out from the optimizations. Distinct from Run I there exists a possibility of having massless gaps and ICD at L2. Weight calculations for these are being looked into. Weights for CC done and resistors ordered. Next need EC’s and then ICR.
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 8 Calorimeter Downloads, Controls & Monitoring Downloads/Controls Bill Lee and Fritz Bartlett working on COMICS COOR communication Pedestal and limits files read from pickle file in Comics and downloaded to ADC Pulser control GUI working fine: implementing broadcast function to all pulsers working on COOR integration General alarm monitoring of all systems needs to be implemented, turned on More robust GUIs
DØ Algorithms Meeting April 6, Leslie Groer, Columbia Univ Ursula Bassler, LPNHE, ParisCalorimeter Online Software Status 9 Calorimeter Event Display Have 3-D display with cell information and Lego plot already Nobu Oshima working on integrated 2-D display Toby Burnett working on the Calorimeter display Hope to have simple r- and r-z E and E T views soon Also might work on Cal Trigger Tower Lego plot Orsay group has simple implementation of 2-D view