Christology and the Churches of the East
I. Rise of The Christological Controversies Christ: Divine, Human, or Both?
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria
Mother of God: Pagan & Christian Motifs from Egypt
Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria 1. Enter Rome
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria 1. Enter Rome II. Church Councils
Calling an Ecumenical Council to resolve the issue: A. Council of Ephesus (431)
The Virgin Mary, "Mother of God," or Theotokos
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria 1. Enter Rome II. Church Councils A. Council of Ephesus (431) B. The “Robber Council” (Ephesus, 449)
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria 1. Enter Rome II. Church Councils A. Council of Ephesus (431) B. The “Robber Council” (Ephesus, 449) C. The Council of Chalcedon (451)
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria 1. Enter Rome II. Church Councils A. Council of Ephesus (431) B. The “Robber Council” (Ephesus, 449) C. The Council of Chalcedon (451) III. Dissenters: What Happened to the “Losers”?
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria 1. Enter Rome II. Church Councils A. Council of Ephesus (431) B. The “Robber Council” (Ephesus, 449) C. The Council of Chalcedon (451) III. Dissenters: What Happened to the “Losers”? A. Monophysites [= Miaphysites = Non-Chalcedonians]
Christology and the Churches of the East I. The Rise of the Christological Controveresies A. A Battle of Cities: Antioch vs. Alexandria B. A Battle of Bishops: Nestorius vs. Cyril of Alexandria 1. Enter Rome II. Church Councils A. Council of Ephesus (431) B. The “Robber Council” (Ephesus, 449) C. The Council of Chalcedon (451) III. Dissenters: What Happened to the “Losers”? A. Monophysites [= Miaphysites = Non-Chalcedonians] B. Nestorians: Monks, Merchants, Missionaries