10 Signs You Need a T Work Day at Your Church op
10 Dust bunnies outnumber church mice 3 to1
9 The baptistry was declared a wildlife refuge by Ducks Unlimited
8 Members are using the restroom at the gas station next door
7 Mildew on the sanctuary wall has appeared in the image of the Virgin Mary
6 Teenagers feel right at home
5 A local farmer offers to buy the hay off your church lawn
4 Guests stick to the pews after their third visit
3 A Volkswagon wan of hippies who’ve been missing since 1969 are pulled from a parking lot pothole
2 The ushers kick up a rabbit out of the orange shag carpet during the offering
1 The pigeons in the belfry have petitioned for better living conditions
A Philosophy of Ministry for the Five Star Church Christ first, others a close second.
McDonald’s Ten Commandments for Customer Service 1. The Customer is the most important person in our business. 2. The Customer is not dependent on us—we are dependent on the Customer.
3. The Customer is not an interruption of our work; but the purpose of it. 4. The Customer does us an honor when calling on us. We are not doing the customer a favor by serving him/her.
5. The Customer is a part of our business, not an outsider. The Customer is our guest. 6. The Customer is not a cold statistic, but flesh and blood: a human with feelings and emotions like our own.
7. The Customer is not someone to argue with or match wits with. 8. The Customer is one who brings us his/her wants. Our job is to fill them.
9. The Customer is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can provide. 10. The Customer has the right to expect an employee to present a neat, clean appearance.
Principle One: Serve people better and glorify God.
Principle Two: Practice what we preach.
Only in America… …can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.
Only in America… …do drugstores make the sick people walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions.
Only in America… …do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a Diet Coke.
Only in America… …do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.
Only in America… …do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put useless junk in the garage.
Only in America… …do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
Principle Three: Focus on improvement.
Types of Customer Service 1.The freezer approach. 2.The factory approach. 3.The friendly zoo approach. 4.The quality customer service approach.
Principle Four: Select gifted leaders and lead/resource them accordingly.
Principle Five: Emphasize excellence in every area of ministry.
Principle Six: Invest time, energy and money in ongoing training.
Trained Staff Members 1. …are more effective. 2.…are more fulfilled. 3.…are less transient.
Trained Staff Members 4. …attract quality associates and members. 5. …raise the quality quotient.
Principle Seven: Never delegate core values.
Principle Eight: Provide a safe, secure environment to share ideas.
Principle Nine: Build a team mindset.
Principle Ten: Eliminate trite slogans.
Lessons Learned from The competition is anyone the customer compares you with. Pay fantastic attention to details. Walt Disney
Lessons Learned from Everyone talks the walk. Everyone walks the talk. Walt Disney
Lessons Learned from Customers are best heard through the ears. Reward, recognize and celebrate. Walt Disney
Principle Eleven: Avoid numerical goals.
Principle Twelve: Give people ownership.
Nordstrom Employees’ Manual Rule No. 1: Use your good judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules.
Principle Thirteen: Vigorously educate people.
Principle Fourteen: Head into action.
A Culture of Operational Excellence
1.EXPLORING A life-long process of learning. 2. INVITING A life-long process of sharing. 3. CELEBRATING A life-long process of rejoicing.
On Becoming a Five Star Church
1.Get real! 2.Employ a secret church shopper. 3.Discuss evaluation and measurement.
Remember the Factor!WOW
Sweat the Small Stuff 1.Quality in the physical arena. 2.Quality in the program arena. 3.Quality in the spiritual arena.