History of Computers
Over 5,000 years ago…
1600’s Blaise Pascal Gottrfried von Leibniz Pascaline Improved on Pascaline
1600’s Pascaline Blaise Pascal
Early 1800’s Joseph Marie Jacquard Charles Xavier Thomas Jacquard’s Loom Charles Xavier Thomas Arithometer
Early 1800’s Jacquard’s Loom
Mid-1800’s Charles Babbage Countess Ada Lovelace
Mid 1800’s Analytical Engine
Late 1800’s
1945 - 1956 First Generation Computers Used Vacuum tubes Each computer had its own machine language Examples: Colossus ENIAC UNIVAC
1945 - 1956 ENIAC
1945 - 1956 UNIVAC
1945 - 1956 Term “Computer Bug” coined by Admiral Grace Hopper
1956 - 1963 Second Generation Computers Transistors replaced vacuum tubes Era of the punch cards Examples LARC Stretch IBM 1401
1956 - 1963 IBM 7094 IBM 1401
1964 - 1971 Third Generation Computers Integrated Circuits replaced transistors Operating System used Examples IBM System 360 Cray
1964 - 1971 Cray 23 Cray 29
1964 - 1971 IBM System 360
1971 - present Fourth generation computers Large Scale Integration (LSI) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) Era of the Personal Computer Pioneering Examples Commodore Radio Shack Apple IBM
1971 - present Dell Dimension 8200 IBM PC 1
1971 - present ASCI White Most powerful computing platform ever built! 12.3 TeraOps (12,300,000,000,000 operations per second)
1971 - present 1981 – 2 million computers in use 1992 – 65 million personal computers