A. Problem of divided interests INTRODUCTION A. Problem of divided interests Pleasing God and enjoying the world B. Seriousness of worldliness Jesus – “No servant can serve two masters. either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Luke 16:13
PLEASING GOD RATHER THAN PURSUING PLEASURE A. Seriousness of selfish worldliness exposed 4:1-4 1. As the pursuit of pleasure 4:1-3 a. A life of selfish striving 4:1-2a
b. A life of self dependence 4:2b **prayerlessness c. A life of frustration 4:3 **unanswered prayer/wrong motives 2. As unfaithfulness to God 4:4 ~~ “you adulterous people” ~~ “friendship with world is hatred to God” ~~ “anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God”
B. Surplus of God’s grace documented 4:5-6 1. Scripture teaches that God desires us for his friends 4:5 Interpretive problem: “Or do you think Scripture says without reason” a. “that the spirit he caused to live in us tends toward envy?” NIV b. “that God jealously longs for the spirit that he made to live in us?” c. “that the Spirit he caused to live in us longs jealously?” 4:5
“He gives us more grace” Proverbs 3:34 B. Surplus of God’s grace documented 4:5-6 1. Scripture teaches that God desires us for his friends 4:5 2. Scripture teaches that God’s grace can overcome our proud resistance to him 4:6 “He gives us more grace” Proverbs 3:34 a. Consequences of pride: Divine opposition 4:6b b. Condition for grace: humility 4:6c
C. Steps to restoration listed 4:7-10 1. Submit to God 4:7a 2. Resist the devil 4:7b 3. Draw near to God 4:8a
C. Steps to restoration (continued) 4. Morally purify yourself 4:8b ~~in action ~~in attitudes 5. Demonstrate true sorrow for sin 4:9 6. God restores those humbled before Him 4:10
D. Slandering fellow believers forbidden 4:11-12 1. Prohibition stated 4:11a 2. Reasons noted 4:11b-12 a. It makes one a judge of God’s law 4:11b ~~ To disobey is to judge law as a bad law b. It usurps God’s role as Lawgiver and Judge 4:12 ~~ Only God, the Lawgiver, should judge (in sense of condemning other believers)
CONCLUSION 1. Realize you can’t please God and be a friend of the world at the same time. 2. Remember what a serious problem friendship with the world is. 3. Live lives characterized by dependence, submission, and restored fellowship with God.