Greek Theatre Ashley Perling, Sam Summers, Jacob Gholson, Ivan Velkovsky, Kelsey Driscoll
What is Greek Theatre? 5 th Century BCE to 292 BCE. Started from festivals in honor of Dionysus, called Dionysia
Actors Actors wore masks to show emotion Chorus was majority of cast
Audience Audiences were always large. All social classes could attend. Plays were considered as a way to bring people together. The priest of Dionysus received the seat of honor In the center front row.
Famous Playwrights Aristophanes wrote comedies about politics and Literature! Euripides was a tragic poet who wrote plays and appeared in many of Aristophanes plays. Sophocles was one of the three greatest Athenian poets. He wrote Ajax, Antigone, and Oedipus. He wrote 118 plays. 7 remain. Aeschylus was a play writer that didn’t care about fame. He wanted to be remembered not for his tragedies, but for the fact that he had fought at Marathon.
Plays Some famous plays include: The Theban Trilogy, by Sophocles (Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone) Famous comedies by Aristophanes : The Frogs, The Knights Comedies were for satire Tragedies explored emotion
Video X0 X0 Play until around 2:00
Works Consulted “Ancient Greece: Competitions”. The British Museum. The British Museum. n.d. Web. 11 Apr “Ancient Greece”. The Oxford Companion to the Theatre Print. “Greek Authors”. Livius. Jona Lendering. n. d. Web. 11 Apr Norton and Company Inc., W. W. "The Norton Shakespeare." The Norton Anthology of Drama. W. W. Norton and Company, Web. 11 Apr