II. Metric System Number management system used by scientists today to communicate data. Universal form of measurement. Based on the decimal system of 10
D.Common prefixes used: 1.Kilo (k) = Hecto (h) =100 3.Deka (da) =10 BASE UNIT – METER, LITER, GRAM 4.Deci (d) =. 1 or 1/10 5.Centi (c) =. 01 or 1/100 6.Milli (m) =. 001 or 1/1000
E.4 basic forms of measurement 1.Length (linear measurement) = meter Measure with a ruler or meter stick 2. Volume = liter Measure liquids with a graduate cylinder 3. Mass = gram Measure using a balance 4. Temperature = degrees Celsius or Kelvin Measure using a thermometer
III.Metric Conversions A.Moving from metric unit to another by shifting the decimal to the right or left. B.Metric conversions Kilo Hecto Deca METER Deci Centi Milli LITER GRAM 1.Determine the unit you are starting with. 2.Determine the unit you are converting to. 3.Move the decimal point the number of positions you moved left or right