Links to LOC Resources: Would You Survive the Gold Rush? South Carolina Newspaper (Gold Rush Mentioned) Letters written by George Carmack Brittany Schaefer – Rock Hill, SC – Winthrop University – 2011 Author: Alice Provensen Klondike Gold Simon& Schuster; 2005 Book Summary: A young proprietor travels from Boston to Yukon Territory. Setting: United States and Canada during Gold Rush Era. (1850’s- 1900’s) Objective:Students will examine and place themselves in the shoes of the Gold Rush Era with the primary artifacts.
This is the first Gold found during the Gold Rush Explain how much you think this object may be worth and list objects you would want to but with the money.
This is a house located in Dawson City, a family lived in it during the Gold Rush. Pretend you are one of the children shown; what is going through your head about the Gold Rush and the condition you are having to live in?
This is the man who is credited for the discovery of the Klondike Gold Rush and he spread the word about the gold. Put yourself in his shoes. Write a letter to a close relative explaining if you would tell others or choose to keep the news to yourself.
NCSS: III. People, Places, and Environment South Carolina Standard 5-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the continued westward expansion of the United States. Indicators Explain how aspects of the natural environment—including the principal mountain ranges and rivers, terrain, vegetation, and climate of the region— affected travel to the West and thus the settlement of that region. (G, H)
First Gold Discovered in United States First Gold Discovered in United States SC Newspaper (The Watchman and Southron) SC Newspaper (The Watchman and Southron) Dawson City Dawson City George Carmack George Carmack Letter Written by George Carmack Letter Written by George Carmack