Searching For News Articles
Uses of News Articles Staying current with medical developments Staying aware of new studies, new medicines, new information about medical issues Continually developing baseline knowledge of medical issues
How to Select a News Source? Most newspapers have a “Health”, “Business”, or “Legal” section; however, they are not all created equal Some newspapers have very informal, popular information, while others are more scholarly It is best that you look for a source that is dedicated solely to medical news rather than a newspaper
Activity #1 Depending on your course of study, compare websites: For students in health care studies: For students in paralegal studies: For students studying business: Browse and search for general articles on both websites. Analyze the KIND of information in both articles. What do the articles focus on? What information do they leave out? Which site do you feel is more reliable?
Using Discipline-Specific Sites for News There are many websites that collect important medical, business, and legal news They function like but for medical news only These sites are better because they are run by people who are more familiar with medicine and they are also more scientifically focused
How to Evaluate a News Site Review the headlines Review the sources (both authors and publications) of each article Review the recommended links, side bars, and boxes of information Know who is responsible for the website Know when the site was updated and when each article was originally published
Always take notice of the different sections the website has Note HOW you can find information – browse by topic, search with a search box, search by date, etc. Take advantage of all the features of the site included related content, featured content, or links to other sites
Recommended Sites (Health Studies) (In order to use this site, you must register. It is free. I registered and you might be able to use my log in. Username and password are the same: mildredelleyil100.) tml tml
Recommended Sites (Paralegal Studies) legal.html legal.html
Recommended Sites (Business Students) ml ml
Activity #2 Using the guidelines discussed, evaluate one of the recommended websites