MISS CURD 7 TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES South and East asia warmups
South and East Asia Warm Ups A large landmass (as India or Greenland) that is a distinct part of a continent. 2. A river that flows through Tibet, through the Hindu-Kush, and into the Arabian Sea. 3. The theory that the continents slowly and constantly move within the earth. 4. A small island southeast of India, famous for its production of tea. 5. Monsoons are periods of windy rainy weather that occur to the countries around the Indian Ocean. These primarily occur during which season?
South and East Asia Warm Ups The man who founded Buddhism was originally a prince. What was his name? Siddhartha Gautama 7. What are the Four Noble Truths? List them Life is filled with suffering People suffer because they want worldly things People can stop suffering if they stop wanting They can stop wanting by following the eightfold path, which teaches right living. When they give up desire, they achieve nirvana, a state of wisdom that breaks the cycle of reincarnation. 8. What is the Eight Fold Path? List them This was the way to end suffering according to Buddha. This path involved observing the following: right opinions, right desires, right speech, right action, right job, right effort, right concentration and right meditation 9. A river in northern India and Bangladesh that flows from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal. Also the holiest river in India Ganges river 10. Which two major countries do the Himalayas cross? India and China
South and East Asia Warm Ups The Harrapan civilization was an advanced group in South Asia. In what river valley did it rise? 12. What warlike group of people migrated from southern Russia through the Hindu Kush mountain passes to help end the Harrapan civilization? 13. The Gupta empire was a period of great prosperity and inventions. What are two ideas that influence us today? 14. What is the name of the social system that groups people into jobs and lifestyles in ancient and modern India 15. What is the name of the sacred Indian texts from 5000 years ago that recorded religious hymns and teachings? 16. What is one example of modern improvements that the British introduced when the took control of India? 17. What was one of the main philosophies of Mohandas Gandhi as he fought for Indian independence? 18. Most farmers in India grow enough food to feed their families. What is the term for this? 19. If a North Carolinian were to need assistance with his computer, from which area would he most likely receive assistance?
South and East Asia Warm Ups The term “Green Revolution” is used to describe which of the following? A. tensions between developing and developed nations B. heavy reliance on manual labor in agriculture C. protests against environmental destruction caused by industry D. development of new types of grains and new methods of growing them 21. The total value of goods produced yearly in China and India is high, but their people still have a low standard of living. Based on these facts, China and India are considered to be which of the following? A. developed countries B. communist countries C. socialist countries D. developing countries 22. Even today, most people of India make their living doing what? 23. India is considered the world’s largest democracy. Its government system allows the political party with the most representatives to pick the political leader. What is this system called? 24. In both India and Pakistan, crop yields increased dramatically in the 1960’s and 1970’s. What came about to cause this? 25. India has a vast array of minerals that it is busy mining. What is the term used for the minerals?
South and East Asia Warm Ups India has many problems with its farming. Which one below is a major problem? A. It rains too much. B. There are not enough farmers. C. A small percentage of the people own most of the land. D. Farming in India consumes too much time. 26. Knowledge of English is helping India enjoy a major economic boom. Many companies have started or relocated businesses there. Why is English so widely used? 27. The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Why was it constructed? 28. The following statements refer to changes in Afghanistan in the 1990s. The Taliban controlled the government. Women were required to clothe themselves from head to toe. Men were required to grow a beard. Girls were not allowed to attend school. These changes in Afghanistan resulted from which of the following movements? A. westernization B. internationalism C. Zionism movement D. Islamic fundamentalism 29. How did the role of women change in Afghanistan under the Taliban leadership? 30. The Taliban and al-Qaeda worked together in Afghanistan to coordinate attacks against the United States. What statement best describes the reason for this? A. They both are backed by Iran B. America attacked them first. C. The Afghan government paid them to attack the U. S. D. Both groups are militant Hindu radicals who hate the U.S. and western values.