Liquid Geography: The Geography of Vine and Wine David R. Green
Lecture 1 Course Outline Lecture Programme Contextual Setting
Lecture 1 Lecture Programme Week 1 – Introduction & Context Week 2 – The Geography of Viticulture – History Physical Geography and the Vineyard Landscape Week 3 – Political Geography of Viticulture Defining the Group Projects Week 4 – Economic Geography of Wine and Wine Production Examining Wine Production Around the World (Data Analysis) Week 5 – Vineyards and Vineyard Management
Lecture 1 Lecture Programme Week 7 – An Introduction to Precision Viticulture Mapping the Vineyard Week 8 – Monitoring the Vineyard Remote Sensing and Vineyard Management Week 9 – GIS in Vineyard Management Using GIS to Manage the Vineyard Week 10 – English Viticulture Week 11 – Climate Change and Viticulture
Lecture 1 Reading Materials Geography of Viticulture (Harm J. de Blij) The Geography of Wine (Brian J. Sommers) American Winescapes (Gary L. Peters) Wine: A Geographic Appreciation (Harm J. de Blij) General Viticulture (A.J. Winkler, J.A. Cook, W.M. Klewer, & Lloyd A Lider) Wine and the Vine (Tim Unwin) The Winelands of Britain: Past, Present and Prospective (Richard C. Selley) Precision Viticulture (Tony Proffitt, Rob Bramley, David Lamb & Erika Winter) Journals e.g. AAG publications – AAG Wine Specialty Group Internet
Lecture 1 Contextual Setting Definitions Viticulture The growing of grapes Viniculture The making of Wine Vineyard Place, farm, plantation where grapes are grown
Lecture 1 Ampelography The science concerned with the identification, description, classification, and behaviour of grape- bearing vines (Ampelos is Greek for Vine) Ampelogeography Adds the geographical or spatial dimension to Ampelography (origins, distribution, and diffusion of grape varieties) Terroir A French word reflecting the expression in a wine of the soil, microclimate/weather, and farming methods of a vineyard site.
Lecture 1 Enology Enology, also oeonology, is the study of wines and wine making, from the moment vines are planted to the best way to store wine bottles for long cellaring. Other terms: online dictionary e.g.
Lecture 1 Where does the Geography / Geology come in? An area of study within the discipline Growing interest Physical and Human dimensions Regional (local) and Systematic (global) components Geology, Topography, Soils, Temperature, Rainfall, Micro-climate, Landscape, Land-cover / Land-use, Architecture Physical, Human, Environmental, Social, Historical, Cultural, Regional, Economic, & Political Geography Also: Monitoring, Mapping and Modelling the environment e.g. Cartography, GPS, GIS, Remote Sensing, Modelling, Internet
Lecture 1 Where are the vineyards located?
Lecture 1 Landscape
Lecture 1 Landscape
Lecture 1 Flat ground
Lecture 1 Terracing
Lecture 1 Manicured Landscape
Lecture 1 Non-typical landscape
Lecture 1 Coastal vineyards (Corsica)
Lecture 1 Old World Landscape & Architecture
Lecture 1 New World Landscape & Architecture
Lecture 1 New World Landscape & Architecture
Lecture 1 The family-run business
Lecture 1 Remote Sensing e.g. Multispectral and Thermal
Lecture 1 Precision Viticulture (Remote sensing, GIS, GPS, Mapping, Internet)
Lecture 1 Visualisation
Lecture 1 Field Data Collection Hobo Sensors PDA, GIS and GPS
Lecture 1 AAG Association of American Geographers Professional Geographer Annals of the AAG AAG Wine Specialty Group