PoDAG XXIII: Workshop on EOS Snow & Ice Products Marilyn Kaminski MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

PoDAG XXIII: Workshop on EOS Snow & Ice Products Marilyn Kaminski MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, 2005

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Just the Facts First Workshop on EOS Snow & Ice Products held November 16-17, 2004 in Landover, MD Jointly sponsored by NASA/GSFC (Dorothy Hall) and NSIDC (Marilyn Kaminski), with support from NASA/HQ, MODIS, and Raytheon ~90 attendees  Government  Academic  Industry  International Presentations, panel discussions, poster sessions, and demonstrations … a broad mix of topics with good opportunity for interaction Very well received and appreciated by participants

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Excellent NSIDC Participation! Co-convener: Marilyn Kaminski Organizing committee: Melinda Marquis Presenters: Richard Armstrong, Marilyn Kaminski Panelists: Richard Armstrong, Walt Meier, Tom Painter Demonstrations: Terry Haran, Donna Scott Posters: Melinda Marquis, Walt Meier, Tom Painter, Ted Scambos

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Summary of Presentations NASA Keynote Address Programs  ICESat  GLIMS  Landsat Data Products  MODIS Snow Products  MODIS Calibration, Geolocation, and Production  ICESat Standard Products  AMSR-E Sea Ice Products  MODIS Sea Ice Products  MODIS BRDF/Albedo Products Data Access

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Demonstrations Data Access  EDG  Data Pool  SNOWI/MODIS SNOWI  WHOM End-User Tools  HEW (spatial and parameter subsetting)  HEG (subsetting, stitching, reprojection)  ICESat Data Visualization Data Animations

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Panels Modeling (Robert Dickinson)  “Snow in Climate Models” Data Fusion (Dave Robinson)  “Blended Snow Mapping” Sea Ice (Mike Van Woert)  “Sea Ice Remote Sensing in the NPOESS Era: A Glance at the Past – the Challenge for the Future” Common theme of discussion: - Need for timely quality data products to use alone or blended with other products

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Workshop Discussions Validation should be an integral part of algorithm and product development  Recognized tradeoff between science and validation when resources are limited Error estimates are necessary for evaluating derived geophysical products, particularly for construction of CDRs CDRs need to be constructed and maintained for consistent quality No major data gaps were identified

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Future Directions Summary article was accepted by EOS and will be published in a few weeks NSIDC should continue to support this workshop, in conjunction with NASA or other co-sponsor  Biannual seems most reasonable frequency  East Coast location gets good support from NASA; more central location may enable participation from greater number of academics

PoDAG XXIII Marilyn Kaminski, MODIS Product Team Lead February 16, Ideas for New PoDAG Representatives* **Richard Kelly, GSFC, AMSR-E algorithm developer **Mark Tschudi, NCAR, MODIS user Bob Grumbine **Anne Nolin, Oregon State U Ted Maksym, US Naval Academy Ron Lindsay, U Wash, modeler & NSIDC data user Marika Holland, NCAR, modeler David Long, BYU Tom Agnew, CIS Tom Carriers, CIS Katherine Wilson, CIS Dave Barber, U Manitoba *These names were suggested by NSIDC participants at the workshop **Workshop participants