Unit 1 Seminar: Getting Started Wednesday, 3/2/10 - Professor Kurt Brandquist - IT133 Software Applications
This first Seminar is more of an introductory session to allow everyone to become more familiar with each other as well as go over the general course guidelines. Future Seminars will be more structured and will include questions regarding the course material that everyone will need to answer. Tonight we will be going over the following: - General information - Basic “Rules of Communication” for Seminar sessions - Review of the Course Syllabus - General expectations for this course - Review of Unit 1: Getting Started - Q & A Session INTRODUCTION Seminars will be held every week on Wednesday IT :00 PM ET IT :00 PM ET
Professor Kurt Brandquist Undergraduate degree in Operations Research from the U.S. Naval Academy Graduate degree in Computer Systems Management from the University of Maryland Office Hours: Via AIM – Wednesdays, 7-8pm and Sunday, 9- 10am. AIM ID is kbquist84. Phone: (410) Contact Information
RULE #1- If I say or type ****HOLD COMMENTS***, everyone should quit typing. RULE #2 - Raise your hand by typing // if you want to ask or answer a question. Sometimes I will have "Open Forum" when you can just respond without raising your hand. It’s not exactly a free- for-all but you can just type and send during those times. I’ll use the ***HOLD COMMENTS*** to tell you when the Open Forum is closed. RULE #3 - Please wait until the end of the seminar to ask questions, especially if it’s not related to the topic being discussed. Each time someone interrupts the proceedings, it can be confusing to classmates and it definitely costs time. BASIC RULES OF COMMUNICATION IN SEMINARS
RULE #4 - Please do not start "side" conversations. Just like in a live classroom, the whisperings of others detract from getting things done. If you want to talk with a classmate, I suggest sharing your AIM names or contacting each other through instead. RULE #5 - Don’t just type "I agree" or "Good point" or "That’s cool" or something of that sort in seminar. These comments take up time, disturb our concentration, and won’t count as a valid response when it comes to your participation grade. RULE #6 - Again, for Seminar, Discussion questions, and all other work in this course - use proper English as described in the Class Rules announcement. Typos will happen, but proofread and try to be clear. BASIC RULES OF COMMUNICATION IN SEMINARS - Continued
SEMINAR INFORMATION Seminars run for 1 hour, worth 15 points. If you attend AND participate, you will receive full points. If you attend half of the Seminar, then you will receive partial points and so on. Alternative Quiz - Worth 15 points as well. - If you can not attend Seminar, you can take the alternative quiz to be eligible for points. Even if you attend Seminar, you can still take the quiz and you’ll be awarded the higher of the two grades. Transcript of each Seminar available approximately 24 hours from the time it concludes. Any questions regarding the Seminar information or the rules of communication? Please "raise" your hand (//).
METHODS OF COMMUNICATION (Easiest/most popular) – All s are responded to within 24 hours. My preferred way of communicating with my students. Via IM (During office hours) – You are welcome to share your IMs with your fellow classmates – but it is not required. Discussion Boards – Post AT LEAST 3 times per week. Excellent way to become familiar with your classmates. Seminar – Q & A session will be held at the end of each session. Telephone – (410) – Leave voice mail.
Syllabus Syllabus contains several grading rubrics. It is very IMPORTANT that you read them and become familiar with the expectations and requirements. Course Information Instructor And Seminar Information Course Materials Course Description Course Calendar Grading Criteria / Course Evaluation Instructor’s Grading Criteria / Timetable Late Policy Projects / Seminars / Discussion Boards Plagiarism Policy Netiquette Rubrics
DISCUSSION BOARD TIPS Post an initial response that answers the question(s) completely and is 100 or more words in length. Additionally, post at least two replies to posts made by others. These responses should provide content that advances the discussion. The first post in a unit must be made no later than Saturday at midnight ET; of course, you can post earlier, once the unit has begun. Post on a minimum of three different days during the week that the unit is in progress. Stay on topic and respect others for their opinions. Organize your thoughts before you write. Chunk large paragraphs in to easier-to read, smaller paragraphs. Write in your own words and use appropriate professional language. For example, write out “you” and “are” and do not use smileys or LOLs. (Read about this in Unit 1.) Proofread for content and spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
LATE POLICY Extenuating Circumstances If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing projects, quizzes, seminars or participating in the class, please contact your instructor to make alternative arrangements. Without Extenuating Circumstances Up to one week (1-7 calendar days) late 20% deduction in points After one week (8-14 calendar days) late 30% deduction in points No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date. Note: In order for you to make up a quiz, exam or discussion thread, you must contact your instructor by at least one day prior to the day you want to make up the work so that access can be provided. Additionally, you must notify your instructor by when you have submitted late work. Final course projects and end-of-term papers must be turned in no later than the due date UNLESS an "Incomplete" grade has been arranged.
LATE POLICY EXCEPTION Discussion Boards are designed for maximum student participation and engagement. It is critical to the success of all courses that students contribute to the Discussion Boards in a timely manner. Therefore, NO late postings to Discussion Boards will be accepted without prior arrangement with the instructor.
MY EXPECTATIONS If you run into a situation where you know you will not be able to meet a course deadline, I expect you to me IMMEDIATELY - – not the day it’s due – not the day after, etc. I am an extremely flexible instructor and I am aware that unexpected issues can occur which can not be avoided. However, being flexible does not translate into “easy to take advantage of”. If you notify me as soon as a situation arises that might hamper your ability to meet your course requirements, I will work with you to find a solution but I expect your efforts to reflect your commitment to your education. I expect professionalism, on your part – AT ALL TIMES. That means during your communications, your interactions on the Discussion Boards, your participation during Seminar, etc. I do not tolerate disrespect either in my direction or in the direction of your fellow classmates. There is no question too silly, no opinion too off the wall. You are all here to learn and meet your course requirements. I will not allow anyone to get in your way of doing so.
TECHNICAL ISSUES Kaplan Tech Support The Help button in the upper right corner (scroll up the page to find the button). The toll-free phone number Write it down somewhere in case you are not able to log into the classroom. to The Web form can be found by clicking the Help button and selecting the Help Desk, which is staffed by eCollege professionals.
TECHNICAL ISSUES MyITLab Tech Support If you need technical assistance, do not contact Kaplan University Technical Support. Please visit and click on Support on the menu and select Student Support. There you will find a variety of ways to get help with myitlab.
TIPS TO SUCCEEDING IN THIS COURSE 1) Attend Seminar: Not only is it worth 15 points of your weekly grade but since it takes place the second to last day of each new week, you will still have a chance to ask questions if you have any, and go over what is due by the next day. 2) Participate in Discussion: Frequent participation is not only beneficial to your grade but to you as a student as well. Many lasting friendships have been established on the Discussion boards! It gives me insight into how you think and feel about the topics we’re discussing as well as gives you the opportunity to practice the communication skills we’ll be focusing on in this course. 3) Submit your Assignments on Time! – Log in on Wednesday to review your weekly assignment, do not procrastinate, and ask questions if you have any BEFORE the due date. 4) Read all Announcements – I usually post an Announcement at the beginning of each unit which gives you an overview of the upcoming week. I also post Seminar reminder announcements as well. All course changes and information will be posted in the Announcement area so it is imperative you check this area each time you log in. 5) And last but not least……ASK QUESTIONS!! You can post questions in the Q&A section of course, me directly, or send me an IM during my office hours. All s will be responded to within 24 hours.
UNIT 1 Read the Announcements Review the Course Syllabus and Discussion Grading Rubric Course Syllabus is under Course Home; Discussion Grading Rubric is in the syllabus Introduce Yourself to your Classmates Complete the Textbook and Web Readings Review the MyITLab Introduction and the MyITLab Tutorials Attend the Seminar Complete the Assignment (65 Points) Complete the Self Check (5 points)