Chaparral High School Wed., April 15, 2015
"Say, how are you doing in your math class? What about science? Well, there is free peer tutoring Thursdays during 5th lunch and after school in E212, Ms. Hecht's room.
If you haven’t tried the fastest game ever, well here is your chance. Badminton is having open gym right now Monday through Thursdays from 3:00 to 5:00p.m. in the small gym. This is a great opportunity to improve your skills.
Seniors! Planning on attending SCC in the fall? Take your SCC placement tests (English, Reading & Math) at Chaparral on Thurs, April 16 th, 11:00 – 2:30. Sign-up in the College & Career Ctr, by Mon, April 13 th. Don’t forget to create your MEID #.
If you are interested in a career with the U.S. Navy, please stop by the College & Career Center on Mon., April 20th during your lunch period.
Grand Canyon Univ will be in the College & Career Ctr on Wed, April 10:00 a.m. Sign-up on Naviance to attend this informative visit! Grand Canyon Univ will be in the College & Career Ctr on Wed, April 10:00 a.m. Sign-up on Naviance to attend this informative visit!
The Spanish Honor Society has a meeting scheduled for Thur., April 7:15 AM in Señora Atkinson’s room. All members and officers must attend. Please be prompt. The Spanish Honor Society has a meeting scheduled for Thur., April 7:15 AM in Señora Atkinson’s room. All members and officers must attend. Please be prompt.
Want to be a Slug? You can at UC Santa Cruz! Sign up on Naviance to attend this visit on Fri, April 9:00 a.m. Want to be a Slug? You can at UC Santa Cruz! Sign up on Naviance to attend this visit on Fri, April 9:00 a.m.
2015 Service Academy Fair, Sat., April 18, 10:00 a.m. - Red Mountain HS in Mesa. Academy reps (Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard & Merchant Marines) will present academic & career options. … 2015 Service Academy Fair, Sat., April 18, 10:00 a.m. - Red Mountain HS in Mesa. Academy reps (Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard & Merchant Marines) will present academic & career options. …
… Congressional staff will also explain the nomination process. Go to Naviance or stop by the College & Career Ctr for details.
Attention all Students who are taking PE eLearning to please note the post fitness test track schedule for you to attend: Fri. April 24 Coronado Sat. April 25 Chaparral Wed. April 29 (2:45) Arcadia Sat. May 2 (10:00 – Sat.) Desert Mt. Monday, May 4 (2:45) Saguaro
Seniors! Want to earn an extra 5 pts in your English class? Fill out your Senior Survey on Naviance by April 24! …
… This is the ONLY way your final transcript will be sent. Questions? Stop by the College & Career Ctr.
Senior Survey! Due: April 24 th Go to: Naviance >About Me>Sr.Survey Fill out survey to EARN your 5 Bonus Pts. in your English class and to ensure your final transcript be sent to your college. Senior Survey! Due: April 24 th Go to: Naviance >About Me>Sr.Survey Fill out survey to EARN your 5 Bonus Pts. in your English class and to ensure your final transcript be sent to your college.
Juniors and Seniors! Prom is coming up! Sat.,April 25 The Bentley Projects Tickets are on sale now. ….
…. All tickets are and are available in the Bookstore. Guest forms are available as well and ALL fines must be PAID prior to purchasing your tickets. …. All tickets are and are available in the Bookstore. Guest forms are available as well and ALL fines must be PAID prior to purchasing your tickets. Apri
Lost & Found!! Come to Bookstore to check for lost items as they will donate all at the end of the year. We have LOTS of items!
Remember everyone DRIVE SAFELY and ALWAYS Buckle up!