Mobilise Final Conference Rabat, 15&16 September 2015 Royaume du Maroc Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des Cadres
2 -Nouvelle Approche de la coopération Maroc-UE en Science, Technologie et Innovation
1. Introduction: Project context and methodology 2. Main Findings Researcher’s view Private Sector Support structures Policy & Morocco-EU dialogue 3. Conclusion and recommendations Agenda
Independent association Mandate from the Swiss government (State Secretariate for Research and Innovation) H2020 Mandate: Inform about H2020, Advise for proposals, Connect to consortia Structure: Head Office – Hosts Swiss National Contact Points Regional Offices and Contact Points: close to local research and innovation actors Euresearch
1. Introduction: Project context and methodology 2. Main Findings Researcher’s view Private Sector Support structures Policy & Morocco-EU dialogue 3. Conclusion and recommendations Agenda
Introduction: Project context and methodology WP1*: Implementation of studies’ recommendations: towards an overall strategy Task2: Design a new approach for Morocco-EU cooperationin STI Subtask 2.1: Goals: - propose new instruments and modalities - come up with concrete proposals on how to set up a close cooperation between the actors and improve their participation in FP and other EU programs. (*) WP: Work Package “…significant upgrade of the quality of Moroccan participation in FP’s …”
Introduction: Project context and methodology Lean methodology: Questionnaires with two parts A- FP Projects B- Administration and political Framework Interviews 14 meetings with 29 persons from Universities, research centers, ministries and private companies Interview 26.5 –
1. Introduction: Project context and methodology 2. Main Findings Researcher’s view Private Sector Support structures Policy & Morocco-EU dialogue 3. Conclusion and recommendations Agenda
Findings: Researcher’s view Access to allocated FP funding Status of PhD and Postdoc students Networking Recognise involvement in the Framework Programme Language skills
Findings: Private Sector Industry and SMEs have very specific needs Dynamic time-scale Clear objectives Lack of information on H2020
Findings: Support Network Consolidate Institutional Contact Point Re-activate the National Contact Points Collection and dissemination of information Activities planning synchronised with H2020 calendar
Findings: Policy Activate the permanent inter-ministerial committee for scientific research and technical innovation H2020 topics covering Morocco and EU strategic agendas Support Moroccan NCP Connections to local instances (EU - Morocco) Institutions: strategic use of H2020 Visibility of research in Moroccan’s society
1. Introduction: Project context and methodology 2. Main Findings Researcher’s view Private Sector Support structures Policy & Morocco-EU dialogue 3. Conclusion and recommendations Agenda
Conclusion Lower the administrative burdens Building blocks are present but consolidation necessary Ensure a swift and efficient flow of information Strategic use of H2020 and identify win-win synergies
Participation in FP7 Count of programmeCall Year Programme Grand Total FP7-KBBE (Agro, food, biotech) FP7-ENVIRONMENT FP7-SSH FP7-ICT31138 FP7-ENERGY FP7-HEALTH2316 FP7-SPACE11114 FP7-NMP112 FP7-TRANSPORT11 FP7-PEOPLE11 Total Capacity Projects FP7-INCO FP7-REGPOT44 FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES11 FP7-SIS11 Grand Total
Participation in H2020 ReferenceAcronymRoleOrganisation Name RESLAGparticipantMOROCCAN AGENCY FOR SOLAR ENERGY SA MOSESparticipantUNIVERSITE CHOUAIB DOUKKALI BEYONDparticipant CENTRE REGIONAL AFRICAIN DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE L'ESPACE ORC-PLUSparticipant INSTITUT DE RECHERCHES EN ENERGIE SOLAIRE ET ENERGIES NOUVELLES MyOcean FOparticipantINSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE HALIEUTIQUE Source: under-horizon updated April 2015 under-horizon According to the EC, up to June 15, 2015, there are 8 contracts signed with Moroccan participants distributed as follows (Ref 9): - Space Research: 1 - GSA.MARKET (EGNSS awareness raising, capacity building and/or promotion activities, inside or outside of the European Union (GALILEO)): 1 - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges: 6