EE8010/9010: Research Seminar for MASc and PhD Students Coordinator Dr. Xavier Fernando
Course Outline Seminars mostly held on Thursdays or Mondays at 12 PM. Occasionally it may be on other days. You must have minimum 75% attendance individually in both terms to pass the course. There are ‘Sign-in’ and ‘Sign-out’ sheets – sign both Please don’t be late or leave early. Signing for other students will lead to failure grade and disciplinary action
Course Content Examples: Also check onsLab/ onsLab/ Mostly external well known or local informative speakers You expect technical talks on research or research methodology as well as on inspirations and entrepreneurship related talks.
Technical Benefit Core substance – It’s ok not to understand everything What is the state of the art Approach, Methodology, Limitations etc. Has the problem been solved effectively? – Are assumptions always valid? – How does it compare to other solutions? – Are there potential nontechnical problems?
Other Benefits You all will be making presentations soon. Graduate studies is about knowledge sharing Learn not only the topic, but also – How the speaker keeps the attention? – Why he/she chose the topic? Get to know speakers – Your academic network is always important Learning Never Ends – Be open minded