Prepared by Rizky Nurul Amalia Hanny S. Surya Yakob Metboki Budi Ilhami
Learning theory has been thought of as a key factor in teaching and learning Teacher is the one who has to have the understanding of learning Learning theory is “a general set of statement which is applied in order to explain the condition of learning” (Sugihartono, et al, 2007: 89) An overview on Learning Theory
5 points to know about learning theory Understanding the basic concepts, features, and scopeHow is teachers’ attitude and role if the theory is applied Environmental factors ( facility, tool, condition) to afford the learning process Understanding the steps in teaching and learning processWhat things should the students do?
Knowing the developer Understanding the background from which the theory is generated. The updating facts of its development Factors in criticizing learning theory
Behaviorism theory of learning Constructivism theory of learning Humanism Theory of learning Kinds of learning theory
Definition “The instructional method, where students work in group to help one to another during learning activities”. The cooperation involves two people, and the maximum one was four people with different background. Cooperative Learning Theory: a born theory of constructivism theory learning
3 categories of technique Simple Structures (11)Student Team Learning Techniques (3) Bridging techniques (4) Think-Pair-ShareSTAD (Student Teams- Achievement Divisions) Snowballing T.A.P.P.S.(Talking Aloud Paired Problem-Solving) TGT (Teams-Games- Tournaments) Brainstorm Building Study BuddiesJIGSAW IIModified What I Know Partner ReadingPairs-Consulting-Pairs Checkmates Three Step Interview Roundtable Circle of Knowledge Numbered Heads Together Pairs Check Send a Problem Techniques in Cooperative Learning Theory
Kagan in Bookman, et al (2001: 1) believed that Number Heads Together is “a technique which is useful for quickly reviewing objective material in a fun way”. The developer and his idea:
Practically, students in each team of four are numbered 1, 2, 3, or 4. In so doing, students train each other on the material to be mastered. This is also called Discussing Reasons. Next, teachers pose a question and call a number: 1, 2, 3, or 4. Students with that number are allowed to answer and earn points for their team. Furthermore, the class can be lead to repeat the previous sections (Bookman, et al, (2001); Jacob, Lee, & Ball (p ). What does it look like?
Central NHT is the concept of building both individual accountability and positive interdependence. Students’ knowledge on any subject matter is exposed automatically. Theoretical base Brown (2000: 283) “automatic process refers to processing in a more complex skill, where the “hard drive” of your brain can manage hundreds and thousands of bits of information” Speaking Skill The technique is applicable to refer to speaking because it raises the collaborative skill of asking for and giving reasons. Using NHT is effective in ELT
Bookman, B., et al. (2001). Cooperative Learning - Descriptions of some commonly used techniques. The NYS Biology - Chemistry Mentor Network, DDE Title II, FLCC, Retrieved November 11, 2012, from pers/15CommonlyUsedTechniques.pdf. pers/15CommonlyUsedTechniques.pdf Brown, H.D. (2000). Principles of LlanguageLearning and Teaching. 4 th Edition. New York: Prentice Hall Regents. Jacobs, G. M., Lee, G. S., & Ball, J. (….) Cooperative Learning. A sourcebook of Lessons Plans for Teacher Education on Cooperative Learning. ……Kagan Cooperative Learning. Slavin, R. E. (1995). Cooperative Learning. New York: Teachers Collage Press. Sugihartono, et al. (2007). Psikologi Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: UNY Press. References
Steps Preparation Formation of groups Discussion of problems Call the number of members or giving answers Gives conclusions
Preparation …, preparing a lesson plan If you fail to plan You plan a failure
Formation of groups…, The teacher divides the students into heterogeneous groups consisting of 3-5 students Teachers gave a number to each student in the group and name the group The group was formed by a mixture of in terms of social background, race, ethnicity, gender and learning ability If one group is smaller than the others have no. 3 answer for no. 4 as well. The teacher can give numbers or students can give numbers themselves
Management Tips…, Before posing a question, make sure each person is assigned a number Having students sit in a specific seat according to number insures honesty in responding Model how to make sure each person knows the answer
Heads Together…, Activity sheets distributed to students as a material to be studied Students then think individually Discussion of problems Each member of the group they should know the answer to the question Ensure enough ‘wait time is given for the group to do the task
Call the number of members…, The teacher then calls a number and students from each group with the same number raised their hands prepare for and respond to the entire class
Variations…, Instead of sharing out with the class, they share with their answers with students who have the same number. Reinforce mental math by calling numbers as the result of mental math problems. (e.g. Call on students whose number is the square of two.)
Gives conclusions…, Teachers with students concluded the final answer of all questions related to the material presented
The Illustration…,
References ed-heads-together-nht-model-in.html retrieved on 29th November ed-heads-together-nht-model-in.html Kagan Publishing heads.htm