Rewards and Write-ups Lesson Monday, September 9th
Edsel Ford Students Must Demonstrate: Teamwork Honesty Unity Niceness Determination Empathy Responsibility
Individual Assignment 1.On a sheet of paper write the following words: –Teamwork –Honesty –Unity –Niceness –Determination –Empathy –Responsibility 2.Define these terms in your own words. (What does it mean to me?) 3.Use the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Acronym and come up with words that are important to you. (i.e. Together)
Group Assignment Class will be divided into 7 groups, each group is assigned a word from original THUNDER acronym: –Work together to define your given word. You may use the definition you wrote on your paper to come up with a group definition. Everyone writes the group definition for their given word at the bottom of their individual assignment. –Once your word is defined, give 3 examples of how Edsel Ford students can demonstrate this quality. –You will have 3 minutes to discuss in your groups. Each group will share out to whole group.
Rewards for Positive Behavior What is a Thunder Buck? A reward coupon Edsel Ford students will receive from teachers this year.
What does a Thunder Buck look like?
Who gets a Thunder Buck? Thunder Bucks will be given by teachers to reward students for: –Changing behavior from negative to positive –Consistent, correct behavior –Going above and beyond
What can you purchase with Thunder Bucks? Various items at the school store. –Can be redeemed Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch Breakfast treats –Once a week, before school Pizza –Once a week, after school Raffle tickets –Save Thunder Bucks for Bigger prizes raffled at the end of the semester
Semester Incentive A student that meets the following requirements will be invited to attend a end of semester event: –7 or less tardies for the whole semester –All First Semester classes passed –No discipline referrals for the whole semester
Assignment Continued On your same assignment sheet: –Draw a line under your group definition and examples and then give one example of something you would like to cash your Thunder Bucks in for. i.e. school supplies, spirit gear –Give one example of an event that you would like to attend for the semester incentive. i.e. trip to mall, movie hour, spa day, field day… –Turn in assignment sheet
Behaviors to avoid: Disrupting the Learning Environment Disrespectful Behavior Non-Participation Not Prepared for Class Dress Code Violation Inappropriate Language Sleeping Violating Electronic Restrictions Academic Misconduct
Where will behavior be monitored? Classrooms Hallways Locker Room Bathrooms Cafeteria Busses
What are the interventions for negative behavior? 1)One on one discussion with teacher 2)Parent / guardian contact ( or phone) 3)One detention (parent contacted) 4)Two detentions and referral to office (parent contacted)