Warm Ups 4/18-4/28
Monday, April 18 Who won the Presidential election of 1860? AGENDA: Warm Ups 4/4-4/15 DUE Notes 15.4 (open note quiz tomorrow) 1 paragraph article on the 1860 election
Tuesday, April 19 Why did South Carolina secede (withdraw) from the union? AGENDA: Quiz 15.4 (open note) Review Guide: Chapter 15 Warm Ups: 4/4-4/16
Wednesday, April 20 Confederate states had to have this to form a unified government. AGENDA: Chapter 15 Review Guide/ Bonus pg Review Chapter 15
Friday, April 22 Describe the attack on Fort Sumter. (16.1) AGENDA: Chapter 16 Pre-test Test Corrections/Notes 16.1
Monday, April 25 What was the first major battle of the Civil War? AGENDA: Vocabulary 16.1 DUE Read 16.1 ( ) Notes 16.1 Fort Sumter and Assessment for President
Tuesday, April 26 Describe the difference in strategy between the North and the South. AGENDA: Assessment to the President Vocabulary 16.2 Interactive Reader/Study Guide 16.2 Quiz 16.1/16.2 Wednesday
Wednesday, April 27 When does General Robert E. Lee take command of Confederate forces? (16.2) AGENDA: Interactive Reader/Study Guide DUE Quiz 16.1/16.2 Notes 16.3 Battle Chart
Thursday, April 28 What is an ironclad ship? (16.2) AGENDA: Go Over Quiz 16.1/ Battle Chart Vocabulary 16.3
Friday, April 29 What was the focus of the Union’s western campaign? (16.3) *Sit in the same seat. You are just facing a different direction AGENDA: Notes 16.3 “War in the West” Vocabulary Packet DUE Analysis of the Emancipation Proclamation Quiz 16.3 on Monday