Warm Up 10/15/12 Read this dictionary entry. Then answer the questions. sar·don·ic : disdainfully or skeptically humorous : derisively mocking <a sardonic comment> sar·don·i·cal·ly adv 4. What is the base word of ‘sardonically’ ? ___________________ 5. What is a synonym for ‘sardonically’? _____________________
Warm Up 10/16/12 2. The robber ran very haste and were caut on pine street.
Warm Up 10/17/12
Warm Up 10/18/12
Warm Up 10/19/12 Revisit your Vocabulary List for Ch. 1-4 of Charlotte. Sort the words according to Part Of Speech in a chart like the one below: NounAdjective Verb Adverb