Year of Transitions for the MPC&A Program Jerry Thomas & Maia Gemmill DOE/NNSA NA-25 Ron Rudolph – MELE Associates
Since Last We Met HMEM changes Status of ICL Status of ICL requests Case studies Disposition Other export issues
HMEM Changes Ron Rudolph M&O assignment ended Jerry Thomas & Maia Gemmill are HMEM Designated Representatives Ron now a subcontractor (MELE Associates) to PNNL providing technical support to Jerry & Maia Posting new Fed permanent position
Status of ICL Successful desk audit of HQ activities – thanks for LMEM contributions No amendments in last year, but did get S extended for four more years Please let us know as early as possible about consignee name changes
Status of ICL Requests Since new ICL S issued in 4/06, received over 2,100 ICL requests worth over $1.1B. Combined with previous years under S000005, received over 4,300 requests worth over $1.4B! Now, almost all are funds transfers Issues now are special circumstances and noncompliance Sustainability at most sites
Case Studies Worked –Glove box assurances –Portal booth transfers – pedigree, mark –Purchase indigenous attestation equipment –Foreign import form required for commodities that will be returned –Disposition letters and agreements TSP Sites
Case Studies (cont.) Didn’t work –Contracts signed before export review completed –Contracts signed after export review, but increased quantities in final contract
Disposition Issues Divisions – wording in sustainability contracts Commerce ruling soon – Keep your fingers crossed
Other Export Issues China ICL MPC&A? Other NA-25 projects?