Pennsylvania Department of State 2 nd Annual Montana Digital Government Summit September 10, 2007 Pedro A. Cortés Secretary of the Commonwealth Update on Pennsylvania’s eNotarization Initiative
Overview Phase I - Achievements/Statistics What’s Next - Phase II Questions?
Overview eNotarization: Permits qualified notaries public to perform notarizations electronically Is open to all qualified PA notaries subject to the approval and oversight of the Secretary of the Commonwealth Is accomplished by use of a digital signature and a digital certificate/Electronic Notary Seal
Overview eNotarization: Features multiple layers of notary identification and authentication Employs security features to know if an Electronic Notary Seal (ENS) has been revoked Is growing in popularity among PA notaries public as the benefits are realized
Phase I - Achievements Pennsylvania’s eNotarization Initiative – Phase I launched January 30, 2006 – 4 County Recorders of Deeds August currently in 2 nd year of Phase I - 19 counties 6 counties performing both electronic recording and identity verification 13 additional counties performing identity verification alone
Electronic Recording and Identity Verification (4) Electronic Notarization Initiative Participation for Pennsylvania Counties—July 2006 Erie WarrenMcKeanPotterTiogaBradford Susquehanna Wayne Pike Monroe Carbon Bucks Montgomery Philadelphia Delaware Chester Berks Lancaster York Adams Franklin FultonBedfordSomersetFayette Greene Washington Beaver Allegheny Butler Lawrence Mercer Crawford Venango Forest Clarion Armstrong Westmoreland Indiana Jefferson Clearfield Huntingdon Centre Mifflin Juniata Perry Cumberland Dauphin Lebanon Schuylkill Snyder Union Lycoming Sullivan Wyoming Luzerne Columbia Lehigh Clinton Cameron Northampton Montour Cambria Blair Elk Northumberland Lackawanna
Electronic Recording and Identity Verification (6)Identity Verification (13) Electronic Notarization Initiative Participation for Pennsylvania Counties—August 2007 Erie WarrenMcKeanPotterTiogaBradford Susquehanna Wayne Pike Monroe Carbon Bucks Montgomery Philadelphia Delaware Chester Berks Lancaster York Adams Franklin FultonBedfordSomersetFayette Greene Washington Beaver Allegheny Butler Lawrence Mercer Crawford Venango Forest Clarion Armstrong Westmoreland Indiana Jefferson Clearfield Huntingdon Centre Mifflin Juniata Perry Cumberland Dauphin Lebanon Schuylkill Snyder Union Lycoming Sullivan Wyoming Luzerne Columbia Lehigh Clinton Cameron Northampton Montour Cambria Blair Elk Northumberland Lackawanna
Phase I - Achievements November 2006 – PA’s first fully digital e-closing of a real estate transaction in Lancaster County May 2007 – second e-closing in Philadelphia County Since January 2007 – Lancaster County has recorded a monthly average of mortgage satisfactions using the ENS
Phase I - Statistics As of August 31, 2007 – 76 eNotaries considered “active” Application approved by PA Department of State (DOS) Paid for an Electronic Notary Seal (ENS) Presented satisfactory identity evidence to a participating Recorder of Deeds Downloaded ENS from National Notary Association (NNA) DOS has approved 367 applications for electronic notary status since inception of eNotarization (yearly renewal) DOS has approved 193 eNotaries from July 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007 alone
1-5 Electronic Notarization Initiative Participation for Pennsylvania Notaries—August 2007 Erie WarrenMcKeanPotterTiogaBradford Susquehanna Wayne Pike Monroe Carbon Bucks Montgomery Philadelphia Delaware Chester Berks Lancaster York Adams Franklin FultonBedfordSomerset Fayette Greene Washington Beaver Allegheny Butler Lawrence Mercer Crawford Venango Forest Clarion Armstrong Westmoreland Indiana Jefferson Clearfield Huntingdon Centre Mifflin Juniata Perry Cumberland Dauphin Lebanon Schuylkill Snyder Union Lycoming Sullivan Wyoming Luzerne Columbia Lehigh Clinton Cameron Northampton Montour Cambria Blair Elk Northumberland Lackawanna Number of notaries holding active digital certificates:
What’s Next - Phase II November 2006 e-closing - an important milestone in illustrating the potential of eNotarization Get the word out to notaries public, businesses and other interested parties that eNotarization is the way of the future and is here to stay Promote the success of the PA eNotarization Initiative and that of other states Leverage the use of technology
QUESTIONS? Pedro A. Cortés Secretary of the Commonwealth PA Department of State 302 North Office Building Harrisburg, PA Phone: Fax: Website: