Create XML from a template Browse available records WDCC Metadata Generation with GeoNetwork Hans Ramthun, Michael Lautenschlager, Hans-Hermann Winter.


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Presentation transcript:

Create XML from a template Browse available records WDCC Metadata Generation with GeoNetwork Hans Ramthun, Michael Lautenschlager, Hans-Hermann Winter 1. Contacts: Investigator, metadata_reviewer (if wished: Originator) Hans n/a Mustermann Dr not filled Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie MPIfM Data Management DM Germany n/a Hamburg Bundesstrasse 45a n/a not filled 2. Citations (citation entries associated to your data (more than one entry possible!) The Pingo Package Juergen Waszkewitz, Peter Lenzen, Nathan Gillet Technical Report No. 11 Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Modell Betreuungsgruppe Germany Hamburg n/a text book 3. Time (Start Moment and Step Moment) real time|equidistant grid model time|single points 6h interval storage|monthly mean values Project Description Insert a project description if available (free text, max chars.) 7. Complete list of Variables / Code table -Preferred format: Excel, ascii - Please use CF standard names for description - For exact design (columns) of table contact - - code_no code_acronym unit description aggregation level STP K air_temperature monthly mean 500hPa STP K air_temperature monthly mean 850hPa TEMP2 K air_temperature-at2m monthly mean 2m TPREC kg m-2 s-1 precipitation_flux monthly accumulated Atm. data Standard Pressure levels: PL: 10,30,50,70,100,150,200,250,300,400,500,600,700,775,850,925,1000 hPa Information about the Grid and Format of the dat (for GRIB-format output of pingo command 'grb griddes gribfile' would be o.k.) ASCII|GRIB|GRIB1|NETCDF|EXTRA| 9. Additional Information unrestricted|institute only|workgroup only|For scientific use only... any additional information Experiment max. 160 character max. 31 character insert experiment summary, max character insert authors (of this data) max character calendrical|climate model time|arbitrary numbered years m 10.0 hPa 6. Keywords linked to experiment ECHAM5 Complete XML metadata stack for CERA Data Model description Data Production Climate Model Output Temporary storage (hours...years) Harddisk Steps to transfer data to the WDCC (World Data Center for Climate) 1. decide structure of data (time slices, time series of parameter) 3. create XML description of data (experiment and dataset metadata) by using the CERA templates 2. complete list of variables (CF convention if possible) CERA (Climate and Environmental Retrieving and Archiving) database for data and metadata Long Term Archival Data Model DKRZ: MPI-M: 4. insert XML metadata into database (done by DKRZ data management) and data into DKRZ archive (tapes) validation Metadata Generation Data Production GeoNetwork XML Handling Upload metadata by using XML templates which meets the CERA data model Data browse and download is possible at the CERA data portal: Upload of metadata makes the data available at the CERA portal DKRZ (CERA) Metadata portal at: Main frame GeoNetwork opensource is a standardized and decentralized spatial information management environment, designed to enable access to geo-referenced databases, cartographic products and related metadata from a variety of sources, enhancing the spatial information exchange and sharing between organizations and their audience, using the capacities of the internet. (GeoNetwork project page: User Login connected to CERA LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Choose one of the templates (of the implemented CERA Data Model) to create your own data description Press ‚Upload To CERA‘ Buttom for the transfer into database Edit a XML metadata record Save (and Close) Browse view Actual implemented data models: CERA Data Model Metafor CIM 1.4 (CMIP5) ISO 19115/19139 (C3Grid) Dublin Core Additional infomation about CERA metadata generation available at: Controlled vocabulary inside the selection lists are generated from CERA tables or external XML files