BRIEF SYNOPSIS Where does your movie take place? When does your movie take place? Is it based on the traditional tale of King Arthur, or does it try to reinvent it? (ie: takes place in a high school in modern day America, has a feminist slant, was created for young adults, is science fiction…) Any other important information to help create the scene for your audience.
CHARACTERS Give me a quick, generalization of the characters (you will have other slides where you go into detail on the main characters). Which characters did your movie focus on? What important characters from the legend were left out? In general, did your movie stick close to the versions of King Arthur that we have read, or did it reinvent them?
KING ARTHUR Tell me about your King Arthur. Was yours a man, boy, teen? Where does your movie pick up in the story? (ie: prior to the sword in the stone, after meeting Guinevere…) Explain his character development. Did he develop in your movie for the better? What was your King Arthur like? Was he benevolent and a true leader? Was he God fearing and chivalrous? Or was he a tyrant undeserving of his crown? How does your King Arthur align with the traditional King Arthur? Is he the same? Is he totally different?
GUINEVERE How old is your Guinevere? Is she in love with King Arthur? Is she independent and her own character, or does she hang in the shadows? Does she have an affair with Lancelot? How does the movie slant the affair? Is Guinevere depicted as evil for betraying King Arthur, or do we understand why she loves Lancelot instead? Compare your Guinevere to the woman we hear about in the traditional legends.
MERLIN How old is your Merlin? Is he young and still learning, or his old and wise? What is his relationship with King Arthur like? Does your movie depict his magical powers or focus on his wisdom? What happens to Merlin in your movie? Does he go to Avalon or stay in the present? Compare Merlin in your movie to the traditional Merlin from legends.
LANCELOT How old is your Lancelot? Is he a gallant and chivalrous knight, or is he too busy tempting Guinevere? Does the movie make you like Lancelot more than King Arthur, or do you feel deceived by Lancelot and hate him for destroying King Arthur? What is Arthur’s relationship like with Lancelot? Compare Lancelot from your movie to traditional legends of Lancelot.
MORGANA LE FAY, PERCIVAL, GAWAIN, TRISTAN… This is your chance to enlighten us on anyone who from the King Arthur legends who plays a role in your story. If Gawain for example is exactly like Gawain in the legend, then you can briefly say so. However, if you have a character like Morgana Le Fay who is a protagonist in your story and behaves differently than in the legends, then please tell us about her. Explain what she is like in your movie and compare her to the traditional legend like you have been doing for the other characters.
THEMES First, classify your movie as comedy, adventure, drama, romance, science fiction, action… Next, tell us about the themes that your novel focuses on. They could be: Magic, love, betrayal, revenge, chivalry, loyalty, bravery, virtue, friendship…
RECOMMENDATION Do you recommend this movie? Why, why not?
QUESTIONS? Have a last slide with maybe a picture from your movie and the heading Questions? At the end of your PowerPoint you can take questions from your classmates about your movie. Be active listeners as you listen to others PowerPoints so you can ask questions about their movies too.
WORKS CITED (EXAMPLE) Merlin: If you use images in your PowerPoint, please include the hyperlinks here. You do not have to use MLA citation, but you must give credit to your sources.
NOTES Your PowerPoint pages should have some detail, but not have every single thing you will say on them. Your audience can read the PowerPoint, and will be bored if you just read what is on the screen. Give us some tidbits, and make sure you don’t overload the screen with too much information. You can create notecards that expand on the details from the movie that you can hold and glance at as you present. Your font size should be approximately size 22. If you need a second slide on a character, go ahead and create one. Use bullet points and don’t write paragraphs Focus on content first, THEN you can add images and make your PowerPoint design fancier. Try to make your PowerPoint inviting to your reader. Don’t use terrible background colors with text that is hard to read. You will have no more than 10 minutes for your PowerPoint. You should practice through it before presenting it in class.