Using SVMI & SDCOE Resources to Support Transition to the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
Mathematics Team ◦ Jameson Rienick ◦ Mindy Shacklett Assessment Team ◦ Sally Bennett-Schmidt ◦ Shannon Coulter
Welcome and Introductions Talking Math Introduction: Why Mathematics Performance Tasks and Formative Assessment? Exploring Mathematics Performance Tasks Overview of Resources ST Math
25% of the fish in a bowl are guppies. The same number of guppies as were originally in the bowl are added. What percentage of the bowl is now guppies?
Who’s doing the “heavy lifting” in mathematical thinking our classrooms? ◦ Teachers? ◦ Students? When students are confronted with a challenging math problem, rigorous instruction involves helping students clarify their thinking about the task, and letting them come up with approaches and solutions….
The state of mathematics education in America Persistent achievement gaps ◦ Between US students and other countries ◦ Between student groups Common core standards are here ◦ Math content standards ◦ Standards for mathematical practice New assessments are coming ◦ What you test is what you get
Common core aligned ELA & Math assessment begins Math (Nov 2013) and ELA (Mar 2014) Frameworks published Professional learning: awareness, transition, implementation August 2010 Common Core Standards adopted in California
STAR program sunsets July 1, 2014 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium assessments begin ◦ Grades 3-8 and Grade 11 ◦ ELA and Mathematics
Items individually and collectively must measure deeper understanding and application of concepts This requires a variety of item types and formats ◦ Selected response ◦ Short and extended constructed response ◦ Technology enhanced ◦ Performance tasks
End-of-the-year summative assessments benchmarked to college and career readiness; computer-adaptive, multiple item types Optional interim assessments in the same item types and scoring scale; available throughout the year for large or small groups of standards. Formative tools and strategies to support improving teaching, increasing learning, and enabling differentiation; best practices to check for student understanding
“Assessment should be an integral part of teaching. It is the mechanism whereby teachers can learn how students think about mathematics as well as what students are able to accomplish.” --Everybody Counts
Formative Assessment Cycle Examine Student Work Inform Teacher Knowledge Inform Instruction Administer Tasks
Do the task ◦ Think about the mathematics you are using Develop an anticipation guide ◦ Where will students show success? ◦ Where will students struggle? Review the rubric Score student work ◦ Training and standardizing papers Analyze the work ◦ What did students understand? ◦ What misunderstandings did students demonstrate? ◦ What does this mean for instruction?
What does re-engagement mean to you?
Revisiting student thinking Addressing conceptual understanding Examining a task from different perspective Critiquing student approaches / solutions to make connections Engaging the entire class in the math
Describe the “Story of the Task” Examine student work. What important mathematical ideas surfaced in the initial lesson and in students’ written work? Pick a Few Key Examples from Student Work They might represent common strategies, novel approaches, misconceptions, or lead to contradictory answers. Design a Re-Engagement Prompt Use excerpts from the examples of student work to formulate a question to re-engage all students in the mathematics of the task.
Re-engagement with Buttons Task video-visits/public-lessons-numerical-patterning/218- numerical-patterning-lesson-planning ◦ Problem 1 Problem 1 ◦ Problem 2 Problem 2
The heart of the process is in the discussion, controversy, and convincing of the big mathematical ideas This is where students have the opportunity to clarify their own thinking, confront their misconceptions to see errors in logic, use mathematical vocabulary for a purpose, and make generalizations and connections
MARS Tasks ◦ Tasks, Rubrics, Scored & Unscored Papers, Teacher Tools Number Talks Problems of the Month (with teacher notes) Videos ◦ Tasks and Re-engagement Lessons ◦ Coaching
VCPUSD website/Staff/Curriculum Resources
Haiku - Staff Curriculum Resources
K-5 Spatial-Temporal Reasoning Supplement Math Without Words Puzzles: Get JiJi to walk across the screen unimpeded
Teaching Math Without Words Mind Research Institute Arturo’s Story and lots more Lee for more links
Lee Thor Debbie Simpson