Dan Smithwick Nehemiah Institute
Family Church State Nurture Education Community Defense Punishment Well-ordering Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor God Good for 300 years
God Family Church State Nurture Education Community Defense Punishment Well-ordering Education Welfare, Etc., etc., etc. Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor God-less
God Family Church State Nurture Education Community DefenseAuto industry BankingInsurance Health careHousing Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor God-defying
A Biblical worldview assessment program designed to assess how one views God, man and the world around him.
P olitics How we govern E conomics How we prosper E ducation How we learn R eligion What we worship S ocial Issues How we relate
Biblical Theism Moderate Christian Secular Humanism
Biblical Theism Socialism
Humanists Biblical Scholars Two bodies of thought
Biblical Theism
14 slides11 Christian schools that incorporate “Biblical Worldview” in program; less than 5% of schools achieve this result Traditional Christian schools and students from Christian homes in public schools adopting Humanism as normal view of life.
1. Why the shift in America from essentially a Christian nation to a secular nation? 2. Why are Christian education institutions going secular?
1. Let go of education 2. Giving rise to false religions in America 3.Redefining who we are
Biblical Theism Humanism Mormonism Islam Dominate religion today!
Biblical Theism If, we get to work!
1. Biblical worldview education/training- in the church! 2. Engaging culture with a well-defined Biblical view of life, personal and corporate. 3. Pray
Dan Smithwick President Nehemiah Institute See:
“Come, let us build—” Neh. 2:17