8/8/12 Aberrant (adj.) Deviating from normal or correct
8/20/12 Audacious (adj.) Extremely bold; fearless; especially said of human behavior (n.) audacity
8/9/12 Advocate (v., n.) To speak, plead, or argue for a cause, or in another’s behalf. (n) --- one who advocates
8/10/12 Amalgamate (v.) To unite or mix. An amalgamation (n)
8/13/12 Ambiguous (adj.) Vague, subject to more than one interpretation.
8/14/12 Ambrosial (adj.) Extremely pleasing to the senses, divine (as related to the gods) or delicious. Ambrosia (n.)
8/15/12 Anomalous (adj.) peculiar, unique, contrary to the norm. (n. anomaly)
8/16/12 Antipathy (n.) Hostility toward, objection, or aversion to
8/17/12 Assuage (v.) to make less severe; to appease or satisfy.
8/20/12 Audacious (adj.) Extremely bold; fearless; especially said of human behavior. (n. audacity)
8/21/12 Banal (adj.) Commonplace or trite
8/22/12 Bombastic (adj.) Pompous or overblown.
8/23/12 Breach (n.,v.) A lapse, gap or break, as in a fortress wall. To break or break through.
8/24/12 Castigate (v.) To chastise or criticize severely
8/27/12 Catalyst (n.) An agent of change (adj. catalytic, v. catalyze)
8/28/12 Chicanery (n.) Deception by trickery
9/26/12 Exacerbate (v.) To increase the bitterness or violence of; to aggravate
9/27/12 Exorbitant ( adj.) Exceeding customary or normal limits, esp. in quantity or price.
10/3/12 Fathom (n., v.) A measure of length used in nautical settings. To penetrate the depths of something in order to understand it.
10/5/12 Feign (v.) To give false appearance or impression
10/10/12 Fawn (v.) To seek favor or attention
10/11/12 Fervid (adj.) Highly emotional; hot.
10/12/12 Fledgling (n., adj.) A baby bird; an inexperienced person; inexperienced.
10/15/12 Floundering (adj.) struggling
10/16/12 Garrulous (adj.) Verbose; talkative; rambling
10/18/12 Guile (n.) Skillful deceit
10/19/12 Hapless (adj.) unfortunate
10/22/12 Headlong (adj., adv.) Headfirst; impulsive; hasty. Impulsively, hastily; without forethought.
10/23/12 Homogenous (adj.) Similar in nature or kind; uniform