3 NOUN Categories A noun is a person, place, or thing.
There are Common and Proper Nouns.
Common nouns don’t have to be capitalized because they are general. Apples – state- person- teacher- balloon
Proper nouns need to be capitalized because they name specific people, places, and things. Ms. Banks Georgia Statue of Liberty Mrs. Reese
What 3 categories can nouns be grouped into? *Singular (1) *Plural (more than 1) *Possessive (ownership)
Singular nouns are 1 person, place, thing. Truck Apple School Television Tree
Plural nouns are more than 1 person, place, thing. Trucks Trees Schools TVs
Sometimes there are special plural nouns. They don’t end in S. *geese*children *deer*people *fish*sheep
The last category is possessive. These show OWNERSHIP. Look for an apostrophe. *Matthew ’ s book *Tree ’ s branches *Chad ’ s guitar
See if you can determine whether these words are plural, singular, or possessive.
Boy’s possessive
apple singular
children plural
house singular
singer singular
teacher’s possessive
dog’s possessive
dogs plural
presidents plural
president’s possessive