Grammar Monday 11/30
Agenda Review Grammar Assessment Reflect on Grammar Assessment New Skill – Apostrophes End Goal – IB
Grammar Assessment Look at answers ON assessment
Grammar Assessment Reflection Reflect on the assessment How would you do if you had to take it today? What are you proud of? What d you need more work on? Why are certain elements still challenging?
New Skill - Apostrophes Apostrophes or Apostrophe’s – That is the question Go ahead – set up those Cornell Notes!!!!!!!
Apostrophe Today - Two uses 1 – To form possessives of nouns 2 – To show the omission of letters
Apostrophe Forming Possessives of Nouns 5 rules!
Rule 1 Add ’s to the singular form of the word The owner’s car James’s hat Sarah’s homework Mom’s coat
Rule 2 Add ’s to the plural forms that do not end in s The children’s game The geese’s honking
Rule 3 Add ’ to the end of plural nouns that end in s Two cats’ toys Three friends’ letters The countries’ laws
Rule 4 Add ’s to the end of compound words My brother-in-law’s money
Rule 5 Add ’s to the last noun to show joint possession of an object Todd and Anne’s apartment
Apostrophe Showing omission of letters Contractions!
Omission Don’t – do not I’m – I am He’ll – he will Who’s – who is Shouldn’t – should not Could’ve – could HAVE ’
Make it possessive! 1.That hat the belongs to Joshua 2.That jersey that belongs to Alexis 3.The house that belongs to Joanie and James 4.The dress that belongs to your sister-in-law 5.The class that the friends share
Make it Possessive 1.That hat the belongs to Joshua 1.Joshua’s hat 2.That jersey that belongs to Alexis 1.Alexis’s jersey 3.The house that belongs to Joanie and James 1.Joanie and James’s house 4.The dress that belongs to your sister-in-law 1.My sister-in-law’s dress 5.The class that the friends share 1.The friends’ class
Reflection Draw a line under your grammar assessment reflection Reflect on today’s skill How do you rank your confidence on this skill? 1-5 EXPLAIN in at least two sentences