Shakespearean Conversations
Objectives: I can use Elizabethan sentence structure. I can use Elizabethan sentence structure. I can use Elizabethan verb forms. I can use Elizabethan verb forms. I can use second person pronouns. I can use second person pronouns. I can participate in partner and group activities according to our classroom norms. I can participate in partner and group activities according to our classroom norms.
Silent Conversation With a partner, record a (school appropriate) conversation on paper With a partner, record a (school appropriate) conversation on paper at least 5 exchanges at least 5 exchanges
What is the most difficult part of Shakespeare’s Writing?
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Elizabethan 2 nd Person Pronouns Ex. “I, Martin, take thee, Jane, as my lawful wife.” Ex. “I, Martin, take thee, Jane, as my lawful wife.” Notes: Notes:Pronoun Part of Speech ExampleSingularThouSubject “Thou art my brother” TheeObject “Come, let me see thee” Thy Possessive Adj “What is thy name?” Thine Possessive Noun “To thine own self be true” PluralYeSubject “Ye shall know me”
Elizabethan Verb Inflection Adds an –est or –st to the end of a verb Adds an –est or –st to the end of a verb Usually when using 2 nd person pronouns Usually when using 2 nd person pronouns Examples: Examples: “Thou liest, malignant thing” “Thou liest, malignant thing” What didst thou see?” What didst thou see?” Why canst thou not see the difference?” Why canst thou not see the difference?”
Troublesome and Odd Words Using the provided lists, add at least 10 words to your silent conversation Using the provided lists, add at least 10 words to your silent conversation Who would like to share their conversation aloud?
For Homework: Write a letter to Shakespeare sharing how you feel about his work. Write a letter to Shakespeare sharing how you feel about his work. Your 1 pg long letter must include: Your 1 pg long letter must include: 2 nd person pronouns 2 nd person pronouns Verb inflection Verb inflection At least 10 words from the handouts At least 10 words from the handouts