Overview Objective Personnel Life Cycle Employing Force Management Assignments Responsibilities
Objective To sustain mission accomplishment by RECRUITING, RETAINING, and REPLACING human resources when appropriate
3. Utilization 1. Accessions 2. Training 4. Sustainment 5. Replacement MP 2: Personnel Life Cycle
Personnel Life Cycle Accession The process of bringing people into the organization Recruiters are the primary source Builds the workforce based on unit vacancies Recruit to fill vacancies Assign recruits to vacancies
Training/Education Specialty Training Professional Military Education Professional Continuing Education Ancillary Training Civilian Education Personnel Life Cycle
Utilization Utilize members in their assigned specialty Assign duties commensurate with their grade, expertise and capabilities Communicate mutual expectations Personnel Life Cycle
Sustainment Establish and utilize recognition programs Recognize hard work and commitment Reward results when performance is above and beyond what is required Mentor Prepare members for greater levels of responsibility Ensure upward mobility Select right people for promotion Personnel Life Cycle
Replacement May occur as a result of voluntary or involuntary separations Retirements Selective Retention Personnel Life Cycle
Assignments Military UMD – know it! ANGI – Assignment within the ANG Grade Ceilings GradePercent CMSgt100% SMSgt110% MSgt120% TSgt125% SSgtNo restriction
Employing Force Management Reasons Maintain a strong force Mandated downsizing/reorganizations Results Change in life style, skills and jobs Mission Readiness (Ready force) Communication Eliminates guessing and the spread of rumors
Responsibilities Commanders are ultimately responsible for employing personnel force management with the assistance of the squadron Chief, First Sergeant and supervisors.
Summary Objective Personnel Life Cycle Employing Force Management Assignments Responsibilities