Emily Freeman, David Laber, Josh Calvelage, Nadezhda Neganov, & Katie Bachus
Physical Therapist Defined: To provide services that help prevent and treat various diseases/impairments/etc. : Manually, using various modalities (heat/ice, electrotherapy), &/or fitting for orthotics/prosthetics/wheelchairs. Does NOT include giving medical diagnoses—only PT diagnoses. Provides consulting & education services. “Direct Supervision” with patient. Can provide “Telehealth” services in order to communicate and treat patients who are located at a distance. Has authority and responsibility to watch over PTAs, SPTs, SPTAs, Designated to complete evaluation, discharge, and plan of care. Scope of Practice
Used to indicated licensure: Physical Therapist: Emily Freeman, PT. Physical Therapy Assistant: Emily Freeman, PTA Student Physical Therapist : Emily Freeman, SPT (or Student physical therapist or Student PT). ** All documentation co-signed by supervising Physical Therapist! Student Physical Therapist Assistants : Emily Freeman, SPTA (or Student physical therapist assistant, or Student PTA). **All documentation co-signed by supervising Physical Therapist! Documentation Requirements
Physical Therapist must co-sign written note of Physical Therapy Assistant if included in patient’s medical record. (written or electronic) If the note does not allow two signatures: Physical Therapist creates new document, recording date of note made by PTA either confirming agreement or making changes to treatment plan. Documentation Requirements Cont.
What is required for licensure in Ohio? Social Security Number Criminal record check Federal records check Jurisdiction records check Passing of the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) Students can take NPTE before graduation Must complete all didactic requirements first Passing of examination of Ohio’s laws and rules of governing the practice of Physical Therapy Initial Licensure Requirements
To be eligible for the examinations: Required to complete an accredited PT program Minimum of 120 academic semester credits: includes basic sciences, clinical sciences, and PT theory and procedures Satisfactory completion of all clinical education requirements Ohio has no limits in NPTE re-takes Initial Licensure Requirements
Ohio requires license verification from all other jurisdictions/states in which a license has ever been held Verifications may be sent by paper or fax, and may be received electronically, by paper or by fax. Initial Licensure Requirements
License term in Ohio: 2 years License renewal on one date: January 31 st of even numbered years for PT’s. PTA’s renew on January 31 st of odd numbered years Continuing education unit (CEU requirements): PT’s: minimum of 24 hours per renewal period PTA’s: minimum of 12 hours per renewal period Accumulated CEU’s may not be carried over from one renewal period to another Re-licensure Requirements
Who approves CEU courses/activities in Ohio? Ohio Physical Therapy Association (OPTA) OPTA develops the guidelines in a policy and procedural manual that is approved by the licensing board If the association denies approval of a course, the individual can appeal that decision to the licensing board Re-licensure Requirements
Referrals come from a person who is licensed to practice: Referral Sources ● Medicine ● Surgery ● Chiropractic ● Dentistry ● Osteopathic Medicine & Surgery ● Podiatric Medicine & Surgery ● Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist ● Clinical Nurse Specialist ● Certified Nurse-Midwife ● Certified Nurse Practioner Referrals come from a person who is licensed to practice nursing as a:
PT PTA SPTA Other licensed personnel Unlicensed personnel SPT Unlicensed personnel SPTA Unlicensed personnel Other licensed personnel Unlicensed personnel Must be on site or available immediately to respond to patient needs Supervision of Personnel
Direct Access
If a patient were to come without a referral the PT: Shall report to the appropriate health care provider within 5 business days with the patient’s consent Shall refer the patient to the appropriate health care provider if the patient is not making progress after 30 days Unless it is for prevention, wellness, or fitness Unless the patient has a previously diagnosed condition related Direct Access
A PT can prescribe the following orthotic devices: UE Adaptive Equipment Finger or Wrist Splints Abdominal Supports Nontherapeutic Accommodative Inlays Unmodified Shoes Prefabricated Foot Care Products Custom Foot Orthotics Durable Medical Equipment Direct Access
Introduced in 2013 Currently in the Ohio State House Committee on Health Aging Allows for PTs to order for “appropriate tests, including diagnostic imagining and studies, that are interpreted by other licensed health care professionals.” Ohio HB 220
A PT maintains ethical integrity in each of these realms: Patient integrity Ex. Respect pt differences Ex. Provide accurate info regarding documentation and care provided Business and Finance Shall not receive compensation for services that were not provided Fellow Healthcare Professionals (fellow PTs, PTAs) Report incompetent practice behavior Code of Ethics
A licensed PT shall adhere to ethical conduct regarding the following: Not cheating on licensure exam Obtain informed consent Inform patient of benefits of care Adhere to minimal practice standards. Violations include Bill for services not provided Ex. Provide interventions that are contraindicated Not harass or condone sexual behaviors Not condone illegal practice A PT shall also cooperate with investigation Code of Ethics
1. Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Athletic Trainers Board. Chapter 4755 of the Ohio Revised Code Chapters to of the Ohio Administrative Code Practice%20Act%20as%20of%20Sept%201% pdf. Accessed October 18, References