BEFORE READING: Put the words in the box where you think it belongs. -soap-nurse-doctor -Lady-alligator-sick -throat-bubble-bathtub -Tiny-teach-called -penicillin-oil-
1. What word best describes the Lady With the Alligator Purse? A) stupid B) eccentric C) lazy
2. What is the setting of this book? A) The Lady With The Alligator Purse B) A house C) The living room
3. Who is NOT a character? A) Tiny Tim B) The Lady With The Alligator Purse C) The Nurse D) The oil
4. What is the main problem of the story? A) Tiny Tim learns to swim B) The sister teaches her brother to swim C) Tiny Tim eats soap and gets sick D) The Lady With The Alligator Purse cures Tiny Tim
5. What is the resolution of the story? A) Tiny Tim eats more soap B) Tiny Tim eats ice cream and feels better C) The Lady With The Alligator Purse
6. What words rhyme? A) purse/nurse B) throat/bubble C) alligator/purse D) bathtub/bubble
7. What word IS a cognate? A) Bubble B) Soap C) Nurse D) Tiny
8. Finish the analogy… Big is to gigantic as small is to…
9. What words pertain to the setting of the book? A) house, bathtub, bedroom, day B) teach, swim, oil, nurse C) doctor, nurse, lady, brother D) soap, bubble, bathtub
10. What word pertains to the resolution of the story? A) oil B) soap C) throat D) ice cream