Face perception is modulated by sexual preference Kranz, F. & Ishai, A. Institute of Neuroradiology University of Zurich Zurich, Switzerland Institute for Biomedical Engineering Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
INTRODUCTION Face perception modulated by distributed cortical network Visual cortex, limbic system, PFC Cognitive factors Attention and emotion Visual imagery Memory
HYPOTHESIS A greater response (fMRI) to sexually preferred faces is modulated by the reward circuitry. (e.g. thalamus, medial orbitofrontal cortex)
PROCEDURE 10 HeW, 10 HeM, 10 HoW, 10 HoM (age: M = 26±3 yrs) Measured reaction times in assessing attractiveness of face stimuli fMRI scan – neural activation
PROCEDURE Viewed photos of faces/phase- scrambled faces 8 trials – 3 viewing, 5 assessing Viewing: 60M, 60F 10 faces, 7 P-S faces.. Assessing facial attractiveness: 100M, 100F 10 faces, 4 P-S faces…
RESULTS - RT M/F faces assessed similarly for attractiveness across all groups Regardless of gender or sexual orientation
RESULTS - fMRI Similar patterns of activation in face- selective regions across all groups AMYGDALA FUSIFORM GYRUS
RESULTS - fMRI In mdT and OFC: Attractive faces stronger activation than unattractive or neutral faces M faces greater response in HeW, HoM F faces greater response in HeM, HoW
DISCUSSION Face perception activates regions: Processing facial identity and expression Visual cortex, limbic system, PFC Processing assessment of facial beauty PFC, reward circuitry
DISCUSSION Similar responses from M/F U,N,A, faces M/F equally notice + respond to beauty of same and opposite sex Both in RTs AND neural activation in face-selective regions Gender processed in cortical network mediating face perception
DISCUSSION Stronger activation in reward circuitry (mdT, OFC) In response to sexually preferred faces reward value of stimuli HeW, HoM respond to M faces HoW, HeM respond to F faces
CONCLUSION Face stimuli similar activation Visual cortex (lateral fusiform gyrus) Limbic system (amygdala) Prefrontal regions Sexually relevant faces Stronger neural responses in reward circuitry Represents the value of the stimuli
Strengths Inherently interesting! Complete results section Explicitly assessed facial attractiveness Limitations Procedure was poorly written and difficult to interpret
NEXT STEP? Do the results found also apply to transgendered or transsexual individuals? No differential effect in amygdala – emotion? Role of OFC in sex-related motivational behaviours