Major World Religions Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism
Two Basic Types Polytheistic = worship many gods Monotheistic = worship one god
Judaism.22% of the world (15-17 million people) (most live in Israel) Followers = Jewish Founder = Abraham —believe that Abraham made an agreement with God and Jews are the chosen people. JUDAISM was the first to teach belief in only one God. Two other important religions developed from Judaism: Christianity and Islam. Jews think that God will send a Messiah (a deliverer) to unite them and lead them in His way. Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah. The Jewish people do not agree— they think the Messiah has not arrived yet.
Holy book is the Torah (= the first five books of the Old Testament of Christian Bible) Jews worship in a synagogue(temple). Jews celebrate several holidays, including: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) Passover (Celebrates the escape from Egypt) Yom Kippur (chance to repent and be forgiven Jerusalem is the holiest city for Jews.
Share many of the same beliefs with Christianity: Love the Lord Love your neighbor as yourself Follow the 10 Commandments You can choose good or evil HOWEVER, they don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah (savior)
Christianity 33% of the world (2.1 billion+ people)—largest religion in the world Followers = Christian Founder = Jesus (also the messiah) Holy Book = Bible (Old & New Testament) Place of Worship = Church Holidays Easter (resurrection of Jesus) Christmas (birth of Jesus)
Holy Cities = Jerusalem Bethlehem Nazareth Many of the same beliefs as Jews, except: Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God God sent his Son to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sins Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his Crucifixion (the Resurrection) Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament Christians believe that there is only one God, but that this one God consists of 3 "persons“-God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost--Trinity Christians believe that God made the world.
Islam 21% of the world (1.5 billion+ people)—2 nd largest religion in the world Followers = Muslim Founder = Muhammad Messiah = has not arrived Holy Book = Koran (Quran) Place of Worship = Mosque Holidays Ramadan (fasting for God/recognizing when Muhammad received message of Koran) Eid al-Fitr (feast at the end of Ramadan) Eid al-Adha (to honor Abraham) Holy Places Jerusalem Mecca (Saudi Arabia)
Share many of the same beliefs with Christianity and Judaism: Love the Lord Love your neighbor as yourself HOWEVER, they don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah (savior) They see Muhammad as the last prophet (messenger) 5 Pillars of Islam Declare faith in God Pray 5 times a day Give to charity Fast during Ramadan (holy month) Pilgrimage to Mecca once in life
Hinduism 14% of the world (900 million+ people)—3 rd largest religion in the world Followers = Hindu Founder = No known founder (super old) Messiah = none Holy Book = Vedas and Bhagavad Gita Place of Worship = Temple Holidays Diwali (Festival of Lights/Hindu New Year) Navaratri (Festival of Good defeating Evil) Holy Places Ganges River (in India)
Polytheistic, belief in many gods who are all united by Brahma, the creator Dharma = you have duties to yourself and others that you must follow Karma = you will be punished/rewarded for good/bad deeds Reincarnation = After you die, you are reborn. If you lived a good life with good karma, your next life will be better. When you have done so much good that you have no evil in your anymore, you will reach Nirvana and be united with Brahma.
Buddhism 6% of the world (376 million)—3 rd largest religion in the world Followers = Buddhist Founder = Siddartha Gautama Messiah = none Holy Book = Tripitaka Place of Worship = Temple (pagoda) Holidays Wesak (birth of Buddha) Parinirvana (death of Buddha) Holy Places Lumbini (Nepal)
Started by Siddartha Gautama, an Indian prince who wanted to understand why people suffer. Siddartha became the first “Buddha” -> enlightened one Four Noble Truths: Life is suffering There is a reason for our suffering There is a way out of suffering End suffering and become enlightened by following the Eightfold Path Karma & Reincarnation (like Hinduism)