Sivananda First to promote the “export guru” as an authentic Indian product. First to promote the “export guru” as an authentic Indian product. Since the late 1950s young swamis went on missions to other parts of India and the world. Since the late 1950s young swamis went on missions to other parts of India and the world.
“Imagined Community” of Yoga Practitioners A global community of people who, though rarely acquainted to each other face-to-face, feel connected through interest in and practice of yoga. A global community of people who, though rarely acquainted to each other face-to-face, feel connected through interest in and practice of yoga.
Rishikesh Place where “spiritual vibrations” are said to be highly concentrated. Place where “spiritual vibrations” are said to be highly concentrated. Where those pursuing a disciplined practice think they have a good chance at liberation. Where those pursuing a disciplined practice think they have a good chance at liberation.
Three main reasons for doing yoga: Spiritual advancement Spiritual advancement Stress relief Stress relief Physical fitness Physical fitness
Strauss asks: How do individuals from different sociocultural traditions value yoga? How do individuals from different sociocultural traditions value yoga? How is yoga associated with the values of health and freedom? How is yoga associated with the values of health and freedom?
Interviews: 36 people 36 people Mostly between 25 and 50 years of age Mostly between 25 and 50 years of age Indians = mostly male Indians = mostly male Non-Indians = mostly female Non-Indians = mostly female
All shared lifestyle concerns reflecting a middle-class drama around the world: All shared lifestyle concerns reflecting a middle-class drama around the world: –How to balance the goals of personal health, well-being and self-development against obligations to family and society.
Within the context of these concerns: Within the context of these concerns: Health is a coping strategy, achieved through yoga. Health is a coping strategy, achieved through yoga.
Transnational travel allows individuals to restructure their bodies and lives through displacement and replacement. Transnational travel allows individuals to restructure their bodies and lives through displacement and replacement. Once an oasis regime is established, it can be implemented at home. Once an oasis regime is established, it can be implemented at home.
Health tourists Quest not for authentic others but for the authentic Self = a self at ease, relaxed and able to express itself. Quest not for authentic others but for the authentic Self = a self at ease, relaxed and able to express itself. The self cannot be commodified, but strategies to locate and cultivate this authentic self can. The self cannot be commodified, but strategies to locate and cultivate this authentic self can.
Sivananda Yoga in Rishikesh: Strauss based her fieldwork on participation in yoga practices. Strauss based her fieldwork on participation in yoga practices. Sessions were always the same: Sessions were always the same: –Alternate nostril breathing –Prayers –Specific sequence of postures: Shoulder-stand, plow, fish, forward bend, cobra, locust, bow, spinal twist, headstand. Shoulder-stand, plow, fish, forward bend, cobra, locust, bow, spinal twist, headstand. –Shavasan (corpse pose).
Poses produce balance: The specific sequence of poses, beginning and ending with an inverted pose, and alternating between bending forwards, backwards, and to the side, allows for the body to be stretched in all possible directions. The specific sequence of poses, beginning and ending with an inverted pose, and alternating between bending forwards, backwards, and to the side, allows for the body to be stretched in all possible directions.
Strauss’s three main research sites in Rishikesh were all variants of the same “Sivananda style” of yoga: Strauss’s three main research sites in Rishikesh were all variants of the same “Sivananda style” of yoga: –The Divine Life Society –Sumit’s Yoga Center –A hotel offering free yoga lessons with Swamiji
Sivananda Ashram (DLS) Highly scheduled practice, beginning with 1 hr. of group meditation at 5 a.m. and ending with prayers, chanting and lectures after dinner. Highly scheduled practice, beginning with 1 hr. of group meditation at 5 a.m. and ending with prayers, chanting and lectures after dinner. Tuition was not charged; donations expected. Tuition was not charged; donations expected. Position of hatha yoga instructor not well honoured. Always someone different teaching and difficulty retaining teachers. Position of hatha yoga instructor not well honoured. Always someone different teaching and difficulty retaining teachers.
Nonetheless, the DLS maintained its reputation: Nonetheless, the DLS maintained its reputation: –It is a way for practitioners around the world to establish an “authentic” link to their swami’s master. –Rishikesh is considered a place of great spiritual power.
Sumit Sumit had been a disciple of Krishnananda (the general secretary of the DLS), but left because of a disagreement about how yoga should be taught: Sumit had been a disciple of Krishnananda (the general secretary of the DLS), but left because of a disagreement about how yoga should be taught: –He became a follower of Iyengar in Iyengar’s style is very rigorous, physically strenuous and almost militaristic. This style was considered unorthodox by DLS management.
Sumit’s Yoga Center Established 3 miles South of the DLS Established 3 miles South of the DLS Held regular morning (5 a.m.) and afternoon (4 p.m.) classes Held regular morning (5 a.m.) and afternoon (4 p.m.) classes Held 3-week yoga intensives in April, August, October and January Held 3-week yoga intensives in April, August, October and January Tuition is not charged but donations are expected Tuition is not charged but donations are expected
the hotel Trained by one of the first export gurus, Swami Vishnudevananda. Trained by one of the first export gurus, Swami Vishnudevananda. Held classes on an individual basis. Held classes on an individual basis. No tuition, no donations expected. No tuition, no donations expected.
Strauss’s interviews: From her fieldwork, Strauss gathered that yoga serves the Rishikesh-based community of practitioners as a component of an effort to “correct” modernity. From her fieldwork, Strauss gathered that yoga serves the Rishikesh-based community of practitioners as a component of an effort to “correct” modernity. “Health” is seen as a human right, without which a good life cannot be achieved. “Health” is seen as a human right, without which a good life cannot be achieved.
Health = Balance
Yoga A universal spiritual system for health and morality maintenance. A universal spiritual system for health and morality maintenance. A tool to gain balance and flexibility, through postures, breathing, meditation and mantras. A tool to gain balance and flexibility, through postures, breathing, meditation and mantras.
Flexibility Link between health and freedom. Link between health and freedom. The ability to adapt to new situations. The ability to adapt to new situations. Ability to change as circumstances dictate, without losing one’s health, freedom or income. Ability to change as circumstances dictate, without losing one’s health, freedom or income. Prerequisite for “fitness” (ability to survive). Prerequisite for “fitness” (ability to survive). Part of quest for unlimited progress. Part of quest for unlimited progress.
Flexibility and Self-Control Keys to a successful modern life Keys to a successful modern life