Past Participles Regular Essential Grammar #104
Definition In both Spanish and English, past participles can come in quite handy. Not only can they be used as parts of verbs (and not just for speaking about the past), they can also be used to create adjectives.
Definition The past participles in the two languages have similar origins, so they are not only similar in function, but also vaguely similar in the way they are formed. In English, the past participle for regular verbs is formed by adding "-ed" to the end.
Past Participles They have different uses: 1. When used with haber, past participles do not show agreement! (Perfect tense)
Past Participles 2. When used with passive voice, past participles show agreement with subject.
Past Participles 3. When past participles are used as adjectives, they agree in number and gender with the noun they modify.
How to make the past participle In Spanish, the past participle for regular verbs is formed by… adding -ado to the stem of -ar verbs; adding -ido to the stem of –er / -ir verbs. * When –ido, is preceded by a vowel other than u, add an accent to – ído.
Practice 1.fumar 2.salir 3.ganar 4.comer 5.vivir 6.venir 7.ser 1.aprender 2.probar 3.leer 4.oír 5.mirar 6.acostar 7.crecer Make the following infinitives into past participles.
Practice 1.fumado 2.salido 3.ganado 4.comido 5.vivido 6.venido 7.sido 1.aprendido 2.probado 3.le í do * 4.o í do * 5.mirado 6.acostado 7.crecido Make the following infinitives into past participles.