Aztec Culture Shelby Bampfield IDT 3600-002
Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 3 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to give students an idea of who the Aztecs were and what their culture was like. Learning Objective: Given information about life in the Aztec culture, students will answer questions with 80% accuracy. 3.15 Use information gained from timelines, primary sources, media, and informational text to identify major historical events and patterns in North America. (C, G, H, P) Suggestions are as follows: Mayan Culture, Aztec Culture, Colonial America, the American Revolution, the Panama Canal, and current events.
Aztec life for children Children of the noble class went to school known as calmecac. Workers’ children attended telpochcalli where they learned occupational skills, warfare, history, good citizenship, and religion. Outside of school, boys were trained to fight because war was a big part of the Aztec culture. Girls were trained for marriage. For fun, children played tlachtli, a ball game for teams similar to a combination of basketball and soccer. Another game they played was patolli, a gambling game played with dried beans and pebbles.
Aztec Social Classes The Aztec social class was set up like a pyramid with the emperor at the top. The emperor ruled the capital, Tenochtitlan.
AZTEC SOCIAL CLASS CONTINUED Just below the emperor was the Tecuhtli who ruled the other city-states. Below them was the Pipiltin or the noble class. The noble class were the only ones that could wear certain types of clothes and jewelry such as feathers and gold. The nobles were often high ranked in the government, army, or priesthood. The common people in Aztec society were known as Macehualtin. This class included the farmers, warriors, and craftsmen. Slaves were at the bottom of the system. Slaves had certain rights as they could not be mistreated by their owners, they could by their freedom, and they could not be sold by their masters unless they agreed. AZTEC SOCIAL CLASS CONTINUED
AZTEC FOOD One of the major foods farmed and consumed in Aztec culture is maize (yellow corn). Other foods often consumed are avocados, tomatoes, tamales, tortillas, vegetables, meat, corn, chili peppers, squash, and chocolate.
Aztec women Aztec women stayed at home as their role was the cook and housekeeper. These women would spend hours grinding corn for making flour and tortillas. She would also can rear crops and take care of the dogs and turkey, their main meat source.
Aztec war Aztec boys were raised up learning how to fight. Because Aztec boys became a man in society at age 17, a commoner wanting to go to war started out in the lower ranks. Learn more about how Aztec warriors were initiated into the army and moved up in ranking as a warrior:
Aztec religion Religion was a very important part of Aztec culture, and music was a major part of religious ceremonies. Instruments Aztecs used were shells, rattles, whistles, horns, bells, and drums. Aztec religion also traditionally included human sacrifices and religious festivals held accordingly with the Aztec calendar.
Test your aztEc knowledge Answer the following questions about Aztec culture as we have learned about Aztec children, women, food, war, and religion. The Aztec ball game known as tlachtli was a combination of which two games? A) baseball and soccer B) soccer and lacrosse C) basketball and soccer D) basketball and lacrosse
True or False? Slaves in the Aztec society were often farmers or warriors? True of False? Yellow corn was known as maize and was one of the major foods grown and consumed by Aztecs?
True or false? Aztec women were allowed to fight in wars to protect their people? Which societies in the Aztec army were the largest and most well-known? A) Jaguars and Dragons B) Eagles and Lions C) Dragons and Lions D) Jaguars and Eagles
Summary Today we have learned about daily lives of children in Aztec culture. We learned what kind of school Aztec children attended and what kind of skills they learned. We also learned what kind of games Aztec children played. We learned how Aztec social classes were organized, what kind of foods Aztecs grew and ate, and what women’s roles were like in the Aztec culture. We also learned what war was like for Aztecs as well as religion. Through analyzing the Aztec culture we can infer that Aztecs were strict in how they conducted their society and were serious about following the law.
Works Cited aztecs/aztec-women/