Dry-Land Environments ( 1 of 4) Desserts3.6
What are four examples of Dry- Land Environments? DDDDeserts GGGGrasslands RRRRain Forests FFFForests
What are three things that make an environment different? CCCClimate AAAAnimals that live there PPPPlants that grow there
Desert What is the climate like in a desert?
Desserts can be very hot.
They can also be very cold.
Deserts are always very dry. Any place that gets less than 10” of rain in one year can be called a desert.
The Mojave Desert can reach temperatures of 120 f.
Antarctica, which is also a dessert, can reach temperatures of -130 f.
The soil in a desert is made of dry sand and stones.
Very few plants grow in the desert. Why do you think this occurs?
Desert plants are usually shrubs and small trees.
Plants that you would find in a desert include yucca, cactus, and Joshua trees.
Animals that live in the desert have to be able to live on very little water.
Desert animals eat plants and seeds to get the water they need to survive.
Meat eating animals get their water from the animals they eat.
Water from dew is another way that animals drink in the desert.
Review TTTThe climate in a desert can be hot or cold. TTTThe climate in a desert is dry. TTTThere are very few plants in a desert. TTTThere is very little water in a desert. AAAAnimals that live in a desert need to be able to survive on very little water. TTTThe desert has poor soil.