10/23/06 Seite 5th Sector Network Meeting Health & Social Protection Africa, MENA, LAC Karibu, Welcome, Bienvenue! Acting in Global Initiatives to enhance Development Effectiveness - How to create and measure impact and changes? 21 − 26 February 2010, Mombasa, Kenya
10/23/06 Seite Monday, February 22nd GTZ corporate issues, contributions and impact of our work Participants are informed over GTZ/CIM important relevant guidelines, incidents and discussions and got an active introduction on the activity areas of new sector initiatives. Objective of the day: 2. 1.
10/23/06 Seite Tuesday, February 23rd Our work in the context of Paris Declaration & Accra Agenda of Action Cooperating within German Development Cooperation (GDC) Participants got updated on new directions and instruments in GDC, and have the possibility for an active exchange on experiences with the framework conditions. Objective of the day: 2. 1.
10/23/06 Seite Wednesday, February 24th Working with Global health Initiatives & strengthening local health systems 1)Participants have reflected on the current international discussion and strategic orientation of topics related to Global Health Initiatives to create a better common understanding 2)Participants have identified opportunities for collaboration and harmonization of international and national support to strengthen local health systems 3)Participants have explored opportunities for more effective cooperation at country level and have exchanged different methods and approaches on performance and impact measurement Objective of the day: 2. 1.
10/23/06 Seite Thursday, February 25th The Health Sector and Gender Based Violence (GBV): Needs, challenges, and opportunities for Development Cooperation Participants got an overview of GBV related activities in the health programmes and have discussed a strategic “GBV health profile”. Objective of the day: 2. 1.
10/23/06 Seite Friday, February 26th Field Visits: 1. 1)Visit of the project „Moving the goalposts (MTG)“, Mombasa Friday, 9am – 12 am 2)Visit of „Gender Violence Recovery Centre (GVRC)“ at Nairobi Women‘s Hospital, Friday, 3-4 pm 3)Visit of the „Centre for Rights Education and Awareness (CREAW)“, Nairobi, Saturday, 27th
10/23/06 Seite Friday, February 26th Working Groups 2. 1)Multisectorial HIV/AIDS response WG of the SN Friday, 1pm – 5 pm 2)SWAp/Health Systems WG of the Sector Network, Friday, 3-5 pm