International Operations Doctoral Consortium CIBER PhD Consortium Purdue, Duke, UCLA, Michigan, U Penn, UT Austin, UW
Introductions Ananth Iyer, Associate Dean Graduate Programs, Susan Bulkeley Butler Chair in Operations Management This is the Sixth such event Focus – Doctoral Students Goal – Increase doctoral student interest in research and teaching of International Operations Introduce yourselves – who you are, your University, year in the PhD, your research topic or aspiration
What is International Operations Institutions Trade Exchange Rates Regulation Risk Accounting Sustainability And many other topics…
What will the faculty presentations focus on ? Mac Dada – Modeling Global Operations David Hummels – Trade Liberalization in Services Jay Swaminathan – Humanitarian Logistics and Global Health Sridhar Seshadri – Financial Risk and Operations Justin Jia – Remanufacturing Prashant Yadav – Global Health and Models Masha Shunko – Transfer Prices Ananth Iyer – Environmental Issues – regulation and operations impact
What is the ideal process ? All presentations will be interactive – don’t worry about the speaker finishing their talk Students expected to be active listeners – it is expected that you will challenge the models, implications etc Form networks among your peers – today’s doctoral student is tomorrow’s faculty colleague Enjoy your time here – get to know a lot of people, get their contact information
What can we do next ? Read/write a blog – mine is Form your own or read others, post, use the information Attend a trade organizations meeting Read Fortune, Economist, Financial Times, Businessweek, WSJ, NY Times….. Get newsletters on sustainability, regulation etc
Why do International Operations Interesting research contexts – there is usually a country that has a law that can justify a model assumption Possible sources of detailed data Collection of firms in a region that are making a change in the way they run operations