Local Church Trustees Guidelines The following paragraphs are excerpts From The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2012 Copyright ©2012 by the United Methodist Publishing House
What Are My Basic Responsibilities? The trustees together have several legal and administrative functions. They are to: 1.oversee, maintain, and supervise all local church property, including contractual obligations of the local church 2.report annually to the charge conference on the state of the church’s property, equipment, investments and resources 3.ensure that the articles of incorporation of the congregation are kept up-to-date, if applicable
What Are My Basic Responsibilities? 4.be responsible, in conjunction with the pastor, for all use of the church buildings and grounds 5.maintain adequate insurance coverage on all church property and develop appropriate risk management policies. 6.Submit to the committee on finance the annual budget requests for insurance, property maintenance and improvement, and new property purchases 7.be accountable to the charge conference and to the church council. Much of the work of the trustees is governed by specific requirements of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. References are from the 2012 edition of The Book of Discipline.
Responsibility 1 1. oversee, maintain, and supervise all local church property
Important Ongoing Responsibilities Conduct an annual inventory of all real property. If there is a parsonage, accompany the committee on staff/pastor-parish relations on at least one inspection and inventory of the parsonage(s) each year. Inspect and inventory all equipment and set up a maintenance schedule. Set up a schedule for painting and redecorating. Ensure that your facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Evaluate your insurance coverage annually. Work with your insurer to develop risk management policies for the church. Review written service contracts on an annual basis.
Responsibility 2 2. report annually to the charge conference on the state of the church’s property, equipment, investments and resources
Yearly report (available on the web)
Insurance Questions We’ll cover those under Responsibility 5.
Incorporation? We’ll get to that in a minute on Responsibility 3.
Other Questions from the Trustees Report
The Trust Clause? The Chancellor requests that you please actually check to make sure that the Trust Clause is included in all of your deeds. The Book of Discipline now adds a similar clause for Articles of Incorporation. We will cover this in a moment.
Purpose and Scope of Safe Sanctuaries Missouri United Methodists - are determined to provide an environment in which children, youth and vulnerable adults are safe from neglect or abuse. SS policy applies to all staff and volunteers, clergy or lay, who have direct or indirect contact with children or youth. Vulnerable adults are persons over 18 years of age with physical, mental and/or developmental disabilities. Children are persons 0-11 years of age. Youth are years of age.
Requirement for Safe Sanctuaries There is a Conference policy as well as each Local Church has a policy. All Local Churches are required to have Safe Sanctuaries Policy and Procedures – check your local church office or each District Office has a copy. The policy should be updated on a regular basis; Charge Conference is the usual time these are reviewed.
Responsibility 3 3. ensure that the articles of incorporation of the congregation are kept up-to-date, if applicable 3. ensure that the articles of incorporation of the congregation are kept up-to-date, if applicable
Not-for-Profit Corporations Chapter 355 Not-for-Profit Corporation –Files an Annual Report with the Secretary of State with a $10 fee Chapter 352 Benevolent Corporation –Requires a court appearance to make any changes
Not-For-Profit go to (Missouri Secretary of State) Business Services Tab Corporations Online Services Name MISSOURI ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Name Type Legal Non-Profit Corporation - Domestic - Information Charter Number: N Status: Good Standing Entity Creation Date: 12/11/2002 State of Business.: MO Expiration Date: Perpetual Last Registration Report Filed Date: 9/10/2013 8:00:00 AM Last Registration Report Filed: 2013 Registered Agent Agent Name: Berneking, Nathanael Ray Office Address: 3601 Amron Ct. Columbia MO
What’s 501c3 all about? 501c3 is a part of the Internal Revenue Code –335 & 352 are State Laws UMCs are covered by a blanket letter ruling given to GCFA. The only requirement is to be chartered.
New Requirement Articles of Incorporation must comply with c. Forms and assistance are available.
Responsibility 4Responsibility 4 4. be responsible, in conjunction with the pastor, for all use of the church buildings and grounds4. be responsible, in conjunction with the pastor, for all use of the church buildings and grounds
Responsibility 5Responsibility 5 5. maintain adequate insurance coverage on all church property and develop appropriate risk management policies.5. maintain adequate insurance coverage on all church property and develop appropriate risk management policies.
Why do we have to list the Conference & District as Additional Insured? Plaintiffs often argue in favor of “piercing the corporate veil” Allows for better collaboration of counsel in the event of a lawsuit Insuring all churches and levels with 1 insurer is no longer practicable
Responsibility 6Responsibility 6 6. Submit to the committee on finance the annual budget requests for insurance, property maintenance and improvement, and new property purchases6. Submit to the committee on finance the annual budget requests for insurance, property maintenance and improvement, and new property purchases
Responsibility 7Responsibility 7 7. be accountable to the charge conference and to the church council.7. be accountable to the charge conference and to the church council.
¶ covers a variety of responsibilities See handout
Q & A