1 Daya Bay Project Design Review Status Ralph L. Brown US Chief Engineer January 9, 2008
2 Design review requirements for the Daya Bay Project are detailed in section (Design Reviews) of the TDR; Quality Assurance. All experimental components/equipment whether engineered or procured as turn-key systems require an engineering design review before procurement, fabrication, assembly or installation can proceed. For the Daya Bay project there will be a minimum of two engineering design reviews; Preliminary (PDR) and Final (FDR). –PDR takes place towards the end of the conceptual design phase when the subsystem has exhausted alternative designs and has made a selection based on value engineering. –FDR takes place before engineering drawings or specifications are released for procurement or fabrication. –Committee prepares a design review report which should include recommendations and action items to be addressed. Design Review Requirements
3 We have accomplished the following reviews to date: –PMT FEE PDR; Mar/07 –Trigger PDR; Jun/07 –Muon PDR; Jul/07 –AD PDR; Jul/07 –RPC FEC PDR; Jul/07 Design Reviews To Date
4 Accomplished to date: –AD SSV FDR; Oct/07 –RPC base-unit FDR, module & structure PDR; Oct/07 –LS Filling & Hall-5 PDR; Oct/07 –Muon water sys, pmt structure, pool liner PDR & support anchors FDR; Dec/07 –AD AV & SSV Lid FDR; Dec/07 –Electronics PDR; Dec/07 –PMT systems FDR; Dec/07 Design Reviews To Date (cont.)
5 Reviews planned for IHEP: –PMT Test Systems FDR. –Muon Pool Liner, water filtration and PMT support structure FDR. –RPC Mechanical Systems FDR –LS Hall and Gd Solids Production FDR. –AD Dry-Box, PMT Ladder FDR, Manual Calibration PDR. Design Reviews Remaining
6 Remaining reviews: –Surface Assembly Building (SAB) FDR; Feb/08 by video –RPC Gas System FDR; Feb/08 by video –Automatic Calibration FDR; Mar/08 by video –Installation and Test Plan PDR; Mar/08 by video –Transporter Vendor Design FDR; Apr/08 by video –PMT FEE FDR; Apr/08 by video –Installation & Test Plan FDR; Dong Guan –RPC Electronics FDR; Dong Guan –Slow Controls FDR; Dong Guan –DAQ & Trigger FDR; Dong Guan –Manual Calibration FDR; Dong Guan Design Reviews Remaining
7 The Daya Bay Project QA policy is defined in section 14 of the TDR based on LBNL/PUB-3111-Rev. 8 and BNL- QA-101. Defines a Quality Management Plan: –Minimize impact on ES&H. –Standardize processes. –Deliverables that meet specification. Use a graded approach based on activities potential to: –Create an ES&H hazard. –Incur a monetary loss. –Reduce availability. –Degrade data quality. –Unfavorable impact to stakeholders. Quality Assurance Policy
8 In addition the plan incorporates: –Design Codes and Standards Mechanical Standards Guidelines and Reviews (docdb # 877). QA Requirements for Electronics Design (docdb# 1713). –Drawing Exchange and Archiving Engineering document database. –Design Reviews Promote value engineering. Meet design standards and safety policies. Assure component Integration into overall installation and operation. –Test Plans; subsystem provides QA test plan for: Acceptance at vendor. Acceptance of deliverable. Acceptance during assembly. Acceptance for operations. Quality Assurance Policy (cont.)
9 We have developed a system of design reviews. We customize our charge and committee for each review. We bring in outside experts frequently when needed. We’ve targeted many reviews towards CD-3a items. Committees have provided lots of feedback and recommendations in the form of action items. Action items are tracked and responses approved prior to fabrication or procurement. Chief Engineers and L2’s sign off on drawings and specs. We have a QA plan that provides value to the project. Summary