Utah Geological Survey Assistance for County Plans David E. Tabet, Manager Energy and Minerals Program Utah Geological Survey 1594 W. North Temple, suite 3100 801-537-3373 davidtabet@Utah.gov January 13, 2016
Outline Utah Geological Survey – mission and organization Overview of Utah energy and mineral resources Information resources for county plans Questions http://geology.utah.gov/
Department of Natural Resources Organization State Governor DNR Director Oil, Gas & Mining State Parks Water Rights Forestry, Fire & State Lands Water Resources Geological Survey Wildlife
Utah Geological Survey DIRECTOR Rick Allis ENERGY & MINERALS Dave Tabet GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Steve Bowman Grant Willis MAPPING WATER & PALEO Mike Lowe INFO & OUTREACH Mike Hylland January 2016
Utah Geological Survey Mission Provide timely scientific information about Utah’s geologic environment, resources and hazards (UGS does research, not regulation). Strong emphasis on outreach. The UGS is committed to cooperation with local, state and federal agencies, universities, industry, and private groups to promote economic development and public safety in Utah. Want to help decision makers and the public be more knowledgeable about natural-resource issues facing the state.
2013 Utah Statistics I Utah ranked 1st among states in the production of Beryllium concentrates (Materion) and Magnesium metal (US Magnesium) in 2013 2nd in production of Copper (Kennecott) 3rd in production Potash and Magnesium salts (Intrepid – Moab and Wendover; Great Salt Lake Minerals) 4th in Gold, Silver, Molybdenum concentrates (Kennecott) and Phosphate (Simplot) 5th in Salt (Great Salt Lake Minerals, Cargill Salt, Morton International, Redmond) http://geology.utah.gov/
2013 Utah Statistics II Utah ranked 7th in the US in 2013 production of non-fuel minerals by state Utah ranked 11th in natural gas and 11th in oil in the US in 2013 production by state Utah ranked 14th in the US in 2013 coal production by state
Rocky Mountains Basin and Range Colorado Plateau Geologic map of UT
oil & gas fields and basins Utah’s oil & gas fields and basins
Utah’s coal fields and coal-bed gas play areas
Uranium Uranium mines and prospects = RED Uranium mills = BLACK Geologic Province Boundary = YELLOW Triassic Chinle Formation = BROWN Jurassic Morrison Formation = GREEN
Base and Precious Metal Properties Bingham Geologic Province Boundary = YELLOW Active base and precious metal properties = RED POINTS Rocky Mountains Basin and Range Colorado Plateau http://geology.utah.gov/
Potash Potash mines and occurrences = BLUE POINTS Great Salt Lake Minerals Potash mines and occurrences = BLUE POINTS Penn-Perm Paradox Basin in the = BLUE OUTLINE Intrepid Potash - Wendover Sevier Lake Potash Ridge Paradox Basin Intrepid Potash – Moab http://geology.utah.gov/
Geothermal Geothermal zones = Pink Polygons Known geothermal resource areas = Red Polygons UGS Geothermal Gradient Holes = Green Circles http://geology.utah.gov/
Past County Planning Resources GOPB Web site circa 1994. Elements of a county plan at: http://planning.utah.gov/CRMPPlanElements.htm UGS helped with the Economic Development aspects.
County Resource Management Plan Elements Prepared by GOPB
County Plan - - Resource Specific Index Main geologic contribution County Plan - - Resource Specific Index
Information Resources UGS resource publications for the following 9 counties: Box Elder, Carbon, Emery, Garfield, Kane, Piute, San Juan, Sanpete, and Uintah. State-wide UGS resource studies for following resources: all commodities (1964), building stone (2008), carbon dioxide (1978), coal (2006), energy (1983, 2014), fluorite (1948), geothermal (1990, 2004), gilsonite (2012), gold placers (1966), high-calcium limestone (2005), iron (1970), lead and zinc (2006), mining districts (1983), non-metallic minerals (1983), oil and gas (2015), phosphate (1957, 1980), renewable energy (2009), tar sands (1979), and uranium and vanadium(2005). Many site-specific UGS resource studies. Resource studies of the U.S. Geological Survey. Mineral reports for recent BLM Resource Management Plans, and various Programmatic resource EISs.