by Jeanne Guichard
steak Mike likes to cook a thick steak with garlic.
sock Jake made a duck with a thick sock.
kick Nick will kick the soccer ball in the park.
snake Blake saw a snake in the lake.
milk Chuck used milk and ice cream to make a milkshake.
lake Jack saw a duck on the lake in the park.
rake Mike will rake the leaves with a rake.
back Jake put his notebook in his backpack on his back.
book Chuck likes to read a thick book in the hammock.
cake The cook will bake a pink cake.
duck The duck likes to quack in the lake.
sick Chuck was sick with an earache.
clock Mike will awake to his alarm clock at daybreak.
bike Mike likes to ride his bike in the park before it gets dark.
rock Jack tried to pick up a big rock in the creek.
talk Mr. and Mrs. Hook like to talk as they walk.
lock Mike put a lock on his bike when he left it at the bike rack.
shake Jeff taught Duke to shake.
coke Becky ate a cupcake and drank a coke for her snack.
smoke Frank saw thick black smoke coming from the brick house.