The rules are simple
There are two teams Each team will have one member compete at a time, (ONLY ONE!) so keep yur traps shut! If you are caught talking while others are working on their problem, you will sit down and work on the worksheet
Each competitor is given a white board and a marker You will have 60 seconds to read the question and write your answer on the white board Do not show your answer until I tell you Remember to keep your answer hidden from the other team
If you answer the question correctly you get one point automatically You also get to shoot the ball into the trashcan for an extra point Bounces are fair when shooting The team with the most points at the end will be the winner
The winning team will earn themselves a Dojo Point or a Jolly Rancher
Play Ball!
This is the easiest question in the world.
The typical teenage boy’s room is a disaster area.
Just the icing on the cake
I can smell pizza from a mile away.
Money is the only friend that I can count on.
The world is bowl a Jell-O.
Allie’s cell phone dropped into the toilet like a falling star.
These shoes are killing me.
Don’t trouble your little peanut head over the problem.
He kicked the bucket
The sight of them kissing is so gross that it makes me want to puke.
The clouds were like ice-cream castles.
While I was walking, I wanted to wait for the most wonderful woman in my life.
Peggy heard the last piece of cheesecake in the refrigerator calling her name
Words are the weapons with which we wound.
Metaphor or alliteration