Interest- something you enjoy and want to learn more about. Resource- something you use to help you. Mentor- a person who can give you good advice.
Do you need more clothes. Do you need a new gaming device. No! You want it. You need money. It’s a resource. A mentor is also a resource.
Process is a step toward your goal. Say you want to run a six minute mile. Everyday you get a faster time, you are making progress.
When you get your goal, give your self a reward. Cake, ice cream, TV. But decide before you reach your goal.
When you get older your interests may change. But they should only change for good reasons. Does the idea of reaching your goal make you happy? Am I doing well at what I do? Am I upholding my values through my goals? Is there something else I would be rather be doing.
hope you liked it.
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